View Full Version : Lumps under chin

18-04-15, 11:55
I have a lump under my chin on both sides? I'm starting to feel health anxiety creeping back in 😭

Gary A
18-04-15, 12:01
If it's on both sides it's probably just normal lymph nodes. We all have them, and the neck, chin and collarbone area is where you're most likely to feel them.

18-04-15, 12:20
Thanks Gary, how big are they supposed to be? These feel quite big x

Gary A
18-04-15, 16:48
There's no way I can possibly judge if they're too swollen or whatever. It does sound to me like they're just nodes given that they're on both sides, however, you may have an infection that is causing them to be enlarged. Talk to your doctor if you're in any doubt.

18-04-15, 20:06
I have lumps under both my jaws. They are lymph nodes and mine are very big but the doctor says they are fine. Don't worry in sure they are normal:)