View Full Version : Hellish few days. Absolutely desparate for help

18-04-15, 13:22
I've had an awful few days since I began to worry about being anaemic after developing tinnitus and twitching. Being anaemic can be one of the signs of pancreatic cancer which has been the sole focus of my HA. I had a full blown panic attack in the night and my husband rang the paramedics as I felt like I couldn't breathe, sweaty hands and feet but shivering and shaking all over. I knew I was having a panic attack but I've never had one properly before and I felt like I was going to die.
Woke up this morning feeling a lot better in myself, and determined to get on with my life & think positive. But then, went to the toilet for a wee and noticed my urine was virtually clear. As in, you couldn't really tell that there was urine in the toilet. I googled it (I know, I know) and it came up with two reasons, either I had drank too much water (I hadn't had anything apart from a bowl of cereal. Had previously passed urine about 4 hours before which was normal colour) or it meant I am diabetic. Cue massive anxiety again as being diabetic is yet ANOTHER sign of pancreatic cancer.
Does anyone have any experience of this and know whether I could have become diabetic with no other symptoms?
I am feeling so ill and desparate with this now that I'm on the verge of taking myself to A&E. Would they do a CT scan if I went there?
Gary, if you are online, help! You are always so knowledgeable.

Gary A
18-04-15, 14:53
Hi again Vicky.

I need to be blunt here, you really are taking this to pretty ridiculous levels now. Having clear urine then linking it to diabetes, then in turn linking that to pancreatic cancer is you connecting dots that aren't even there. Again. Think about it, the other day you'd convinced yourself you were anaemic because of some loosely based symptoms of it, that was then linked, by you, to pancreatic cancer. This time it's diabetes, once again, with you thinking you have it due to some loosely based symptom, which is, again, linking you to pancreatic cancer.

You are simply devoid of any pancreatic cancer symptoms, but you've buried yourself so deep in worrying about it that you're now creating symptoms in your head in a subconscious attempt to justify your anxiety.

You have to stop this. Millions of people have diabetes, but you don't even know if you do, and the reason for thinking you do is a bit strange. That's before we've even got to pancreatic cancer, there's not even much chance of you having diabetes based on your symptom.

Please, for the love of God, stop doing this to yourself.

18-04-15, 15:14
Hi Vicky, Gary's reply said it perfectly. I am guilty myself of making links that are just not there and jumping to the worst possible outcome. Take Gary's advice for sure.

Clear urine is a good sign, you are not dehydrated. The thing we have to realize is we have this false image that a 'Healthy person' experiences no symptoms, no random pains or strange sensations. This just isn't true, when you're suffering from anxiety and panic attacks of course you're highly sensitive to everything in your body, picking up on things the average person would not even notice. It is a hard cycle to break and we tend to over think and analyse everything. Hope you're next few days are much better :)

18-04-15, 17:16
Thanks Gary and Sam. I've calmed down now and feeling a lot better. Thanks for your replies. Got my first therapy appointment this week and looking forward to turning my back on HA!

18-04-15, 22:44
I thought I would chime in...I have type I diabetes (juvenile) , as does my first born...my grandpa had it and my cousin on the same side has it as well. (all of this contributes to my HA, but that's another story). Besides that I have a couple friends with type I. Anyway, I consider myself to be very knowledgeable when it comes to diabetes and I can tell you with almost absolute certainty that you would NOT have clear urine as an only symptom of diabetes. By the time that symptom would roll around you would be having much more apparent symptoms...extreme, and I mean EXTREME thirst, urinating frequently, etc. Besides all that, diabetes (both type I and type II) is MUCH more common than pancreatic cancer is so even if you had all these symptoms and did actually have diabetes more likely than not you would be diagnosed with a disease that is a PITA at times, but manageable and not pancreatic cancer.

I hope this helps a bit. It helps me if an outside source rationalizes things down for me. I know how you feel though. A couple days ago I was panicking that I have lupus because I have a canker sore that at that time didn't hurt (along with aches and pains I've been having for several weeks).

19-04-15, 21:08
Thank you HlovesM for your reply. Glad to say I've been feeling a lot more positive today and it feels really good not to be riddled with anxiety. I know there's no overnight fix, but I hope this is the start of good things. Having health anxiety is so draining! I know everyone here can empathise with that. Hope things get better for you too :-)

19-04-15, 21:46

I doubt you're a diabetic, your urine would be a weird sweet looking colour I think. I get clear urine too for absolutely no reason and nothing worrying showed up when the doctor did the dipstick test. It's always clearer when I get anxious, idk if that's why or not though.

Toby :)

20-04-15, 22:29
Stay away from Dr Google.

We should repeat this Mantra each and every day. We should.....

Stay away from Dr Google.....

21-04-15, 14:51
Dr Google is a TERRIBLE, TERRIBLE thing!! Believe me!

Pancreatic cancer often doesn't cause symptoms until the later stages, by which you'd be jaundiced, have lost weight and generally be extremely unwell.

The ONLY link I know of between ca of the pancreas and diabetes is that a person will often develop diabetes if they have had part/all of their pancreas removed (as it plays an important part in releasing insulin which keeps your blood sugars at normal levels)

DO NOT worry about this. Please. :)

23-04-15, 20:37
Thank you Toby, Steve & Silver Shoes. I've started therapy and have felt better this week than I have for weeks. Really feels like I have turned a massive corner. Thank you for taking the time to reply :-)