View Full Version : not going out

silver blaze
18-04-15, 15:03
Is there anybody on this forum that does not go out because of the fatgue and unsteadness? it makes a lonely life especially when your on your own

18-04-15, 15:33
Hi Silver. Sorry to hear you're feeling lonely :( There are lots of lovely people here to help remind you that you're not alone and I hope that gives you some comfort.

I often feel the need to avoid social situations. I do try and push myself now because avoidance can make our anxiety worse. That said, I do still skip going out sometimes. In fact I'm trying to convince myself out of going out tonight...I'm a musician and have the option of playing a gig tonight. I should be excited but instead I'm almost dreading it! When I feel emotionally exhausted and fatigued from anxiety the only thing I usually want to do it curl up on the sofa with chamomile tea, a film and a blanket :)


18-04-15, 17:23
hi silver blaze I don't go out much at all exept walk to my local shop and back most days I don't go to visit my children or go shopping because I have to travel on bus etc to get there and of how anxiouse i feel which I know its the worsed thing I should do but for some reason im scared of the anxiety , so I do get very lonely at home allday and being on my own a lot just make smy anxiety even worse so yournot alone i know what its like, just wish I had the courage to just say damn you anxiety anddo it buti let it win

19-04-15, 11:14
I find myself making excuses not to go anywhere if I know I have to walk. I feel as if I am about to fall down all the time when my anxiety is bad. I started to walk round the garden every day just to convince myself that I could walk longer than a few steps. It did help but I could only force myself to do it when I felt ok-ish. I really need to do it all the time and get out more. I feel really weak with anxiety and that is the worse symptom for me. I can cope with my head being jumbled but not that.