View Full Version : New GAD diagnosis

18-04-15, 15:27

I've suffered from severe hypochondriasis (health anxiety), obsessive compulsive disorder and depression on and off over the years but started to improve a lot last year after EMDR therapy. I even came off my meds last May and was doing really well until just before Christmas when my mood went downhill and things become more and more difficult. My ability to concentrate went down the toilet and sleeping problems set in. I've really been struggling with work and find myself obsessing over it, panicking and pushing myself even harder. My self esteem is also at a very low ebb.

I went to the doctor yesterday and was diagnosed with Generalised Anxiety Disorder. I've had specific anxiety disorders in the past but it seems the nature of my anxiety has changed as I've got older and it is no longer focused on specific areas of my life...it's now infiltrated everything but to a lesser degree. So...I'm new to this part of the forum! Just wanted to come in and say hi. I'm going to be starting on meds this week - sertraline (which I stopped taking last year but was on for 12 years before that) and a mild sleeping tablet to stop me waking up every hour freaking out about work and where I am in my life. Hoping things will improve soon.

Moonlight xxx

20-04-15, 21:25
Hello and welcome to NMP.

Now that you've got a diagnosis and some support, you've got a good starting point to rip your anxiety a new one. Don't freak out if you get weird side effects from sert unless they become intolerable, at which point you should speak to your doctor. Most people find they start improving after a few weeks but if you keep a diary, when looking back, you might find you start seeing benefits fairly soon.

Good luck and keep going!

20-04-15, 22:56
Hi Moonlight,

Anxiety has a nasty way of evolving and infiltrating in different ways. I'm sorry you're going through a rough patch. I hope you have success going back on the medication and feel better soon. :)

02-05-15, 13:09
Thanks guys and nice to meet you both :) I've been on this forum since 2008 but new to this area of it as my 'natural habitat' is the health anxiety sub-forum.

I've been on sert before - Ive tried to come off it 3 times and each time ended in me being an anxious/depressed mess. This time I managed about 8 months off it and then started falling apart again :( It started with depression but then the anxiety came back and ruined my sleep and it's made me very panicky at work. The more panicky and anxious I get about work the worse the situation gets. I'm terrified of failing I guess and I've been pushing myself way too hard.

I'm feeling slightly better today so I'm wondering if the sertraline is starting to work. Hopefully I'll start to even out soon.

M xxx