View Full Version : Panic attacks have come back

18-04-15, 17:27
Hi Guys,

Recently just joined and loving the fact everyone is so friendly and supportive.

Recently my panic attacks have had a flare up. Background is that I recently had a bad case of the flu / sickness bug, this bought on one of the worst I have had! The thought of being sick bought it on I am sure, now it's trying to get rid of them!

I am not eating normal, recently given up smoking, lost almost 10 pounds in the last week. Oh and almost cut out drinking coca cola. Now my thought with this, is that too much too quick?

I had a panic attack this morning at work which would not go away. However I came back to my office and had a small amount of coca cola, low and behold the panic attack seemed to go! Could this possibly have something to do with low sugars? I finished the bottle (small one) over the course of today and it has been fine, no bad thoughts or panic!

I still have a slightly racing heart rate but pretty sure this is down to the panic attacks this morning, it always takes a while to steady down again. My BP last night was also slightly up but again guessing this is down to going through a bad time at the moment.

My wife is really supportive and loving but she has never experienced what I am feeling, so cannot really help me. Wondering if anyone out there has any ideas?


18-04-15, 17:42
Chris, I'm going to guess your blood sugar is fine and what you have is placebo effect. It is an accepted thing. If everything is fine and coke helps even if for no logical reason then it would be acceptable. This could border on OCD. Pity it is coke, but if it is only a small bottle.... Usually it is coffee or cigarettes.

18-04-15, 17:58

Hmmm, sounds like me.
The last two weeks I lost 10 lbs due to not eating from being depressed and anxious. If you are concerned about low blood sugars or feeling crappy from not eating, maybe try a protein shake? I have vegetarian protein powder at home. I mix it with milk and a banana and ice and shake that up. It seems like if it's liquid it goes down no matter how much I don't want to eat. My sister (in psychology field) told me a lot of her patients have the same issues and that she has suggested protein shakes to at least get your vitamins and minerals in you. I'd have never though about it if she hadn't told me.

I did start eating semi normally again and have found that I do feel a bit better.

Glad that you have a supportive spouse! That's great and helps a ton!
I understand that she may not get it 100% due to not experiencing it herself. This is definitely a good place to be then to get advice and see that you're not alone in your symptoms etc.

Maybe incorporate liquid supplements (protein shakes, lots of water, veggie juices/smoothies) into your diet, try to sleep a bit more if you aren't already and get some fresh air with walks outside. Also try to avoid caffeine. That's what generally helps me when I'm feeling lousy and not eating well. Take care!