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18-04-15, 19:32
Could I have a calcium deficiency?
So lately I have experiencing a lot of palpitations and crazy anxiety that I can't control with anything. (I've had anxiety before but it comes and goes. ..nothing like this that lasts all day for NO reason). I'm also having cramps and tingling on my legs and feet and arms. My blood pressure isn't high but it's higher than normal (116/70). Normally my blood pressure is much lower... like 90/64. And my pulse is much higher too. Well I started using magnesium oil bc I thought that might be the cause (a magnesium deficiency) but I haven't gotten better. ... so I started thinking that I don't eat that much dairy. I eat about a cup of yogurt a day and some days I don't eat any dairy. Well I'm feeling very very desperate bc this anxiety is driving me insane. Should I buy a calcium and magnesium supplement? Could this truly be a deficiency? Please Help. A month ago I had b12 and folic acid and vitamin d and I was only deficient in vitamin D ...which I have been taking 1000mgs a day. .... could this offset calcium? ?? I'm desperate....): I couldn't even sleep last night! !!

20-04-15, 21:30
It's more likely to be a confidence deficiency. You're looking for all sorts of medical explanation for the symptoms you're having, when really... anxiety sucks. It makes you feel all kinds of weird.

The stranger your symptoms, the more likely they are to be anxiety. Always, always remember that.

Instead of telling yourself that you're deficient in this and that, tell yourself that this is all just anxiety - only anxiety - and it CANNOT HURT YOU. The only way it can "hurt" you is if you give it the power to do so, by obsessing and upsetting yourself over it. Trust me - I am the fething MASTER of obsessing about anxiety. It never leads anywhere good, there is NO BENEFIT to worrying or focusing on your anxiety. You will not get worse if you try to focus on something else, even if the anxiety says you will.

The anxiety is a liar and everything it tells you is based on plain old B.S. And B.S. doesn't stand for ballistic skill. It WANTS you to obsess and focus on it, because it dies if you don't. So don't. The hell with anxiety. You are healthy, you are normal and you are safe. Say it to yourself. Say it til you're sick of hearing it, then say it some more. Repeat every day until it becomes a part of you.

20-04-15, 21:46
Actually if you are low on vitamin D you can't absorb Calcium. Calcium is needed for proper neurotransmitter function which gives you the cramping. And Nopoet you are close it is an anxiety thing making it worse because anxiety puts extra strain on the neurotransmitters. Calcium and magnesium will get robbed from your bones and teeth to fill the needs of the neurotransmitters. SSRIs will keep you from losing Seratonin but they do not rebuild it. Tryptophan does and dairy is not the only source of it. But it needs a carbohydrate to use it. If you have cut out carbohydrate because of weight that is a mistake, Seratonin controls weight.
The other thing is potassium. Potassium regulates your heart and is necessary for energy, low potassium and you get weak muscles. Half a Banana a day or an apple a day will usually fix that.