View Full Version : Eyesight

18-04-15, 19:49
I worry a lot about causing damage to my eyesight,

I am currently doing a college course and I have to write essays, but I often worry that I might damage my eyesight by spending
too much time looking at a computer screen.

I also worry about the fact that I can see ghosting in my vision when I look at certain things where there is strong a contrasting.

I love visiting picturesque locations and taking pictures with my digital camera but I worry that I wont be able to keep on doing
this if my eyesight gets worse. I went to the opticians to have my eyes checked but I still worry about it.

Does anyone else feel like this?

18-04-15, 20:06
Hi zx,

I had my eyes checked recently because I was concerned that they were too sensitive to light (ie. someone did flash photography and the flash stayed in my eyes for longer than it should) and the eye doctor charged me a couple bucks more for something called an "optomap" retinal exam.. which is this large machine that takes really large pictures of your retina and can detect eye diseases and things that a normal eye exam wouldn't find. Luckily, they found nothing, but it was a good relief to me.

If you are still concerned after having an eye exam, perhaps you can get this done?

Overall, I am sure you will be fine, I think everyone gets ghosting on occasion.

18-04-15, 23:09
Thanks for the reply and the suggestion,
Maybe I am just being paranoid, I always seem to be worrying about something whether it is my eyes or my teeth.