View Full Version : sleeping

18-04-15, 20:30
I have suffered from anxiety for around 20 years. when I go through bad patches I get really scared to sleep. I basically panic about waking up panicking which obviously scares me to sleep, as I feel really alone. Does anyone else have this?

18-04-15, 20:47
Yep, I'm terrible at sleeping at the moment. I said the exact same thing to my fiancé as you have just posted. I'm yet to solve the problem so hopefully someone else can give suggestions

18-04-15, 21:04
its horrible isnt it! even with my husband next to me im scared stiff. ive just had a small 2mg valium cos its nearly bedtime. im currently swapping my medication so the doctor gave me these valiums in advance. dont want to have to use them all the time though! x

18-04-15, 21:47
Yeah - am going through something similar at the moment. If I'm anxious, I worry about not sleeping. if I don't sleep well, it makes the anxiety worse and I get locked into the cycle which does me no good. Not afraid to admit that I take sleeping pills as and when. Last couple of night's I've had 10mg Temazepam each night, which has helped. Might pop another tonight just in case. If the anxiety drops, then I can go back to doing without.

It's a right pain in the arse. Apparently, stuff like going to bed at the same time each night, helps. As does having a hot milky drink, a warm bath or listening to some relaxing music before bed - to help you wind down.

19-04-15, 09:31
I thought about sleeping tablets. I will ask my dr. Thanks

19-04-15, 10:31
Yeah, I've been through stages of this myself. A lot of it has been because not sleeping well resulting in feeling rough the next day and slogging it out through the day in a worse state than normal.

Its a tough stage to be at. Establishing sleep hygiene is useful and making sure that you spend hours relaxing before bedtime.

You also have to try to adopt an attitude of caring less about whether you sleep well or don't, but this is hard.

Its the same with being afraid of waking up with anxiety. You have to create a nice comfort zone in your bedroom, something that makes you feel secure. It may also help to spend time in there throughout the day in bits so that it becomes a more comfortable place to be.

19-04-15, 12:26
thank you, I agree with the waking up with anxiety. I do need to make myself a little haven, although my 2 year old always has different plans.....