View Full Version : Hi there

18-04-15, 22:09
Hey guys,

Very new to this forum, so far I have found it to be very useful so I have decided to stay and be a more active figure around the place.

My name is Sam, I'm 23 and have always had anxiety, only recently developed panic.

The basics:

- I've always been anxious (biting fingers, clicking joints, tapping tables)
- I've never realized what it was until recently
- Recently suffered panic attacks and massive health anxiety
- Panic attacks have subsided for now though health anxiety has continued
- Currently in the process of eliminating things to worry about and get back to a settled state

I currently meditate as much as I can, and I was a prolific cannabis user (which probably brought on these symptoms more than anything else).

I would like to introduce myself and get to know the key figures of this forum, and hopefully in the future, when symptoms have subsided, continue to play a role in easing other people's anxieties in a clear to understand way.

For me, being told you have anxiety and that you are fine is not enough. I have found my anxiety to be very particular, worrying about a specific thing and finding nothing on the internet to help with that fear. So my goal is to help as many people as I can and explain certain situation in a very specific manner without causing alarm.

Hopefully this should help me come to realize my own anxieties are just that, nothing to worry about.

I have suffered from depression in the past, and this has affected me in a much greater way, not to say others have had worse/better experiences with either, but with anxiety; you fear you are going to die. With depression; you couldn't really care either way if you do (or in some cases want it to happen).

Please feel free to message me for a chat or to find out more about me. I am still very much in the process of going through anxiety so don't think I am at the stage of helping yet, but hopefully with your help I will get there.

I would much rather spend my time helping others than killing time watching TV.



18-04-15, 22:12
:welcome:Sam before long you will be helping others glad you could join us :D

18-04-15, 22:14
Hiya OGNinjaDon and welcome to NMP :welcome:

Why not take a look at our articles on our home page, they contain a wealth of information and are a great starting place for your time on the forum.

I hope you find the as site helpful and informative as I have and that you get the help and support you need here and hope that you meet a few friends along the way :yesyes:

18-04-15, 22:18
Hi Sam
Welcome to NMP :)

18-04-15, 22:22
Hi again Sam,

Good to hear more about your journey thanks for sharing. For me personally i find giving advice to others really helps my own anxiety, plus after living with anxiety mainly HA for 7/8 years now i've pretty much experienced all the symptoms it has to offer so feel like i can relate to most people.

I'm in a much better place now with my anxiety, i put that down to a mixture of things.
Basically i've always been a 'worrier' by nature and an anxious person, i was in an abusive relationship for 2 years that completely ruined the person i was and contributed i believe to most of my problems today, 5 years ago i ended the relationship and was trying to move forward with my life, just under a year had passed when i was attacked which left me suffering from PTS. That was the worst stage of my life 4 years ago, and i'm so happy to say that i got through it because believe me there was some very low times when as you say with depression i didn't fear death, i couldn't care less.

There's times when you really can't see any light at the end of the tunnel but there always is, i've learnt that for sure. I am new to this forum too but used it quite regularly when 'googling my symptoms' It's a great site and i think once you see that so many are having the same symptoms and thought patterns it makes it much easier to accept that it's anxiety. If you haven't already i suggest reading some of the articles from the home page as there was a lot of information in there i didn't know. :)

18-04-15, 22:25
Hi guys,

Thanks for your words. Hope I can meet some nice people and help others along the way :)