View Full Version : Worries about my mother, her heart is irregular.

18-04-15, 22:48
My mum has been complaining about her heart to me lately and it's breaking mine. She says her heart beats normally then it slows down flutters and goes normally again. She is a heavy smoker and drinks a fair bit too, 54 years of age. She has no other symptoms but should I definitely take her for an ECG or blood test?

19-04-15, 15:04
Yes, I think she should go in. It may be totally fine, but for peace of mind it doesn't hurt to get it checked out.

Several years ago I went in for a routine physical to play school sports and the doctor noticed I had a bit of an irregular beat...I had an ultrasound and wore the little box for a day that measures heartbeats and all was well, I just have an irregular heartbeat. It happens.

Of course, smoking and excessive drinking isn't good in general so if she's at all inclined to quit that would be a good idea.

19-04-15, 21:51

Oh my gosh I can really relate to you! I worry about my mum over the slightest things, like if she has a headache my mind goes out of control thinking she has a deadly form of brain cancer. It's a horrible thing to live with, worrying about others. It's honestly one of those times when I wish I was worrying about my own health.

I doubt there's anything really wrong, but she should go to the doctors. It's probably nothing, but it's worth getting checked out for you and your mums peace of mind because you probably won't stop worrying til it's all sorted.

Again, I know how it feels to worry about a family member so don't feel alone on that :)
