View Full Version : Scared I'm going to die

19-04-15, 04:23
So it's 4.20am and I've awoken from my sleep again for the last week I have had an extremely sore throat and really painful sinuses. I have been off work, resting, sleeping and drinking plenty of fluids and taking paracetamol and gargling with a solution prescribed by the doctor. Sadly nothing has helped and at3.30am I woke in agony and have a really large painful swelling near my osephegus. I am in so much pain, fell really unwell. I have been ill on and off for the past two years and. Am so convinced they have missed something. I don't believe this injustice a simple viral infection. I keep thinking its Cancer, meningitis or some blocked artery. I a, so frightened right now because I don't want to die

19-04-15, 06:45
Hi Laura, Sorry you're feeling so bad. Is your throat sore and does it hurt to swallow at all?

When i have had infections in the past they've been anything but simple, i've literally felt like i was going to die, the longest one i had lasted 9 days and was hell from start to finish.

It's very rare i get one now as i've strengthened my immune system so when i do my body is able to fight it pretty quickly. A table spoon of honey in the morning and at night really helps to sooth the back of my throat.

Maybe try holding a warm cloth against your throat for some comfort? You're doing the right thing in-taking a lot of water and rest to help you're body recover quickly which i am sure it will.

If it doesn't let up go back to your doctor let them know you're worried about it, i am sure they will help put you're mind at ease. It's common with health anxiety to not believe what we're told, you're not the only one. Hope you're feeling much better soon :)

19-04-15, 22:01
Dear Sam

Thank you for your reply I really appreciate it. I went to an out of hours gp who told me my viral infection had turned bacterial and has put me on a ten day course of antibiotics. I am nervous as antibiotics is what gave me inflammatory bowel disease but I need to fight this infection. I have tried so many things to boost my immune system and so far nothi has helped, I also think that is due to my liver struggling to deal with everything. What have you done I. Particular that has built up your immune system, any advice would be greatly appreciated

Thanks Laura

19-04-15, 22:55
Hi Laura,

For years I was always the one catching colds/virus's and have a sore throat every other month, they would last a lot longer than other people's and seem to be far worse. Always known as the sick one in work, and now i can say i've only had one illness in 16 months! :D i had a throat infection just before Christmas but the symptoms only lasted 2 days and then it went i couldn't believe it as i'd prepared myself for a 10 day struggle.

I put this all down to my immune system being much stronger now and the fact that i'm in a better place with my anxiety and stress levels. I changed my diet dramatically nearing on 2 years ago, i was suffering bad with IBS this is what made me have a good look at my lifestyle and triggers. It's crazy to think that i've suffered with health anxiety for 7/8 years and i never really payed any attention to my diet for so long, for someone so health conscious that just doesn't make sense.

The first big change was making an effort to drink more water, and it was an effort because i find it very hard to drink water :roflmao: i started taking a small bottle to work with me and sipping it at my desk and i slowly increased it, just this alone made such a huge difference to my energy levels, IBS symptoms and bloating.

Before my diet change i would regularly eat processed foods, take outs ect, i actually have my health anxiety to thank for the fact that i spent so long sat at home researching different nutrients the body needs to fight off illness, and now the majority of my meals are all freshly cooked and include a range of different vegetables that do wonders for your body and immune system.

At first it was hard to make such a big change, plus it didn't help that i 'Didn't like' most of the foods i wanted to eat. Now i absolutely love cooking fresh meals and knowing that i'm getting all of this goodness my body needs, the change in me was quite sudden my family and co workers noticed that i was a lot more happy in myself and wasn't getting ill anymore! To add to this i've not had a migraine in over a year, when i used to suffer with them frequently.

So for me there was a definite link between my diet and my anxiety/health.

Some of the foods i've incorporated in to my diet :)

- Garlic
- Onions
- Spinach
- Broccoli
- Mushrooms
- Kale
- Fish
- Sweet potato's
- Carrots
- Banana's
- Oranges
- Blueberries

As well as the diet change i tried to become more active, i've always been a healthy weight(fast metabolism) so i've been lucky really, but just because i was slim obviously doesn't mean i was fit and healthy. Anxiety made me have no energy or motivation to do anything really so it was difficult to get myself up and about.

I started to do a lot more walking and exercise at home, nothing strenuous. It took a lot of time to get this routine to stick i'll be honest i kept going back and forth, but it really helped being more active in the day as for one i had less time to think about my 'symptoms' and two i slept a lot easier at night.

Too much stress can affect your immune system as well as an unhealthy diet, i think once i made the decision to be active about my health instead of sitting their worrying about what might happen i became addicted to feeling good, and now although i still suffer from anxiety and have the odd moment of panic i feel a million times better mentally and physically.

My tips would be

Have a look at your diet even if it is a healthy one, make sure it's balanced with different fruits and veg
Make sure you're getting enough water to keep hydrated
If you're not already try to be more active in the day, walking, yoga or even gentle stretching
Set yourself goals and try to focus your mind on something positive
Make sure you're getting enough sleep

I was sleep deprived which can also have an affect on the immune system. Sorry for rambling but i wanted to give a truthful thorough answer :blush:

Health anxiety is a viscous circle and i never thought there would be a time where i felt as healthy as i do now, honestly it is possible to completely turn it around, i hope you beat your infection very soon :)