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View Full Version : New Symptom, chest pains and heightened anxiety

19-04-15, 11:12
Please help! Every damn few months it's something new. About 3 months ago I was getting raised red itchy bumps on my legs and arms. The more anxious I got the more they would flare up. I went to the doctor who couldn't find any medical reason for it and told me it was anxiety related. A month later it had completely cleared mysteriously disappeared and now for the past week or so I'm getting a tight feeling in my chest which happens on an off which in turns causes me to panic and starts my heart racing and then my thoughts start playing tricks on me and I think that I'm going to collapse with a heart condition. I don't have a heart condition and have never ever had one. A year ago I did a heart test with my doctor and my heart was in perfect condition. I don't have cholesterol or diabetes or anything like that so why is this happening. Every time I think I'm dealing with my anxiety then I get a new symptom which scares the crap put of me. Any advice would be appreciated.

19-04-15, 15:22

All of this can be anxiety related. Pain and tightness in the chest is very common with anxiety, and once it happens and you're worried about it then it will probably happen more often(great isn't it)

The rash could have been Hives. Small raised itchy bumps that come and go, i've had them in the past when i've been really stressed.
You say you've had your heart checked so there you go, it's fine. I know it's very hard to accept as it took me years to understand the link between my anxiety and mental health, and my symptoms. Heres some of what i would suffer from

- Pain in chest(left sided mainly)
- Difficulty breathing
- Palpitations
- Muscle Twitches
- Dizziness
- Muscle cramps
- Headaches

Here's some information i've copied from the articles on the home page, hope this helps :)

Heart palpitations, chest pain, irregular beats, flutters, skipped beats

What you feel:

One of the most worrying symptoms is chest pains or a tight feeling in your chest. The immediate thought is "heart attack" or "stroke" and this only worries you more. You may also notice that your heartbeat is incredibly fast or irregular at times having palpitations and again this leads to the worry that you will have a heart attack.

Read more > http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/articles/symptoms

19-04-15, 17:58
Thanks so much. Yes they were hives which I've never had before and I've been having anxiety for almost 3 years. So they appeared out of no where although it was during a very stressful period and they were very itchy. Thankfully it lasted a month or so and disappeared. This heart thing only started a week ago so it scares me so much but I am pushing through and just reminding myself that it is just anxiety. Thanks for your advice, it's really appreciated.

29-04-15, 12:03
go on a rowing machine for 20 mins see if your still here after this is what I do, I tell myself its all over everytime I go on the machine why would I want to do that lmao yet im still here