View Full Version : please stop!

19-04-15, 11:17
I'm fed up. I would like to stop over thinking things, doubting things and just calm down. When I have my calm moments I know exactally what I want and everything is happy. Then as I can't control it all the what if's and worry come in. I would like to be able to control it and instead its hard to rationalise and just snowballs!

19-04-15, 11:21
Hey, sorry to hear that things feel like they are spiralling out of control. It is a very common thing and many, many people feel like they can't cope with everything happening in their life, at one time or another, so try to always remember that you are most certainly not alone.

The best thing you can do is to try and break your problems down into smaller parts and work through them one by one, rather than as a whole.

Also, have you sought any help through your GP or local mental health services? There are so many ways in which you may be able to receive some assistance during these difficult times.

Fingers crossed you will start to feel better soon... We're always here to chat when you need us! :)

19-04-15, 11:26
Yeah I've seen my GP for my GAD. I'm nearly 2 weeks into starting medication so still waiting for them to start working and waiting for a group CBT anxiety management course. I'm just fed up with Second guessing myself and catastrophising and then thinking well if you are doubting it then maybe its true and rechecking

19-04-15, 11:40
Yes, I know exactly what you mean - it can be a vicious circle which is very hard to break out of. Especially when you beating yourself up over it... Try to remember that it is not your fault and you have done absolutely nothing wrong - it can happen to anyone, at any time.

How are the meds going so far? Fingers crossed the CBT wait isn't too long.

Wishing you a happy Sunday :)

19-04-15, 11:44
I had abit of a rough ride on them this week and they seemed to make it all worse but I'm starting to feel abit better than that now. I'm at the GPs tomorrow to review them so we will see how that goes

19-04-15, 12:03
Yes, more often than not the meds can make it a little worse before it gets better - that was my experience at least. That initial adjustment phase will be over before you know it though and then the positives will kick in. As you've no doubt seen there are boards here covering almost all medications, so you will always be able to get some help and advice if you need it... :)