View Full Version : my stupid ha brain

19-04-15, 11:40
Hi all, well I feel Iam doing a lot better, but not as good as I would like, I'm no way near as anxious, but I do still have crazy thoughts that I just can't seem to shake completely, maybe this symptom takes longer to go, as it becomes a habit worrying about different symptoms, and I need to break the cycle, when I think back over the last six months I have created so many symptoms, and I think its that that keeps me going knowing it is anxiety causing it, only yesterday, I convinced myself my right boob was leaking, I even resorted to putting tissue in my bra to see if it was, this is the most crazy and frustrating illness, I can't wait for the day thatmy health isnt the first and last thing i think off. Xx

19-04-15, 14:09
Hello, I am so fed up with my health anxiety today I am almost angry at it...its making my life a misery I don't want to be this way..every day I an usually going to have a heart attack!..not had one yet but perhaps today I will?

I went out today ignored all my chest sensations and nausea thought if I collapse then I will ..nothing I can do about it.

Our minds can create all sorts of symptoms they are so real trying to ignore them is for me the hard bit...even thinking about illness sets me off in a adrenaline rush.

It sounds to me you are on the mend...just the last bit to work, carry on as you are doing so your mind really knows it causing these sensation you will be free of HA very soon.

Julie x

19-04-15, 14:22
Herbie, I can totally relate. During the worst of my anxiety my boob did actually start leaking! It was just a little, but I put the tissue in my bra too. I ran to my GYN totally freaked out. They did some bloodwork, which came back normal, and sent me for a mammogram, which found a harmless looking cyst. I think that we can stress ourselves out to the point it can happen. Try to relax.