View Full Version : My five year old

19-04-15, 14:20
My five year old daughter had heat rash on her bum and behind her legs while we were in Disney world (Florida) this past week. She has a mole on her bum that was irritated by the rash, and she scratched it while scratching her rash. My question is, it bled a little when she scratched it, and a tiny piece cane off. Very tiny, and only changed the appearance a tad bit. The mile is healing, not bleeding and the rash is healing too. I'm just scared that because it bled when she scratched it, it could be melanoma. I am sick with worry. I am seeing the pediatrician tomorrow, but I'm sure they'll dismiss it. I just want to hear from others that have scratched moles before... Please help me.

19-04-15, 14:56
Hi Sarah,

Well firstly i can say YES my mole bled when i accidentally caught it :scared11: Not lots but enough. It hurt real bad. I had this mole checked out due to the fact it just appeared a few years ago and all is fine.

Think about it if you scratch a spot it bleeds, a mole is attached deep in your body and filled with blood vessels. I am sure everything is fine but your Pediatrician will put your mind at ease tomorrow x

19-04-15, 15:01
Thank you so much for responding. I checked under her bandage and she has actually scratched most of it off. She had the heat rash all over her bum and back of her legs. So she WAAF scratching pretty hard, but I'm so scared that this trauma will mean cancer. Like I said, the rash and all is healing and she's no longer scratching, but until it fully heals or I have it looked at, I'm unable to think straight. I hate this feeling. I hate that there could be something wrong with her.

---------- Post added at 06:01 ---------- Previous post was at 06:01 ----------

Was* not WAAF

19-04-15, 15:10
Hi Sarah,

I think it's normal for mothers to worry like this and when you suffer from anxiety yourself it just makes it that more intense, don't beat yourself up about it. You probably won't be able to get the doubt from your mind until she's had it checked, but you have your appointment to see the pediatrician tomorrow so just try and relax now, like you said the rash is healing and she's no longer scratching i'm sure you have nothing to worry about :)

19-04-15, 15:43
I have no experience with children's moles. Both me and my husband have moles that bleed. I have one on the side of my nose that my glasses rub on then it heals
up. it is a light colour and not noticeable when I have my glasses on.
My husband went to see GP about his mole GP said he could have it removed as it is prominent on his face.
but like most men he has not bothered.
I hope all goes well with your daughter sarahxx

19-04-15, 16:31
Thank you both so much for your responses. They really do mean a lot. I wish I didn't worry so much, I'm afraid my daughter will be like me. It just worries me and then googling made it worse with the childhood melanoma stories.