View Full Version : Thinking styles

19-04-15, 16:13
Have a read of what i've copied below see if it sounds familiar..This is most definitely my way of thinking with my health and life in general.

That by worrying about the things that could go wrong i'll be better prepared for it if it does! Today i've awoke with a pretty sure neck on one side and pains in my shoulders, my first initial thought was to panic, it's like it's built in me to instantly assume the worst case scenario. When in reality i should have thought 'That's probably because you spent far too much time yesterday trying to beat the score on Bubble shooter' :roflmao:

'Anxious people also sometimes believe that worrying has a protective function. More specifically, they believe that being on the 'look out' for danger can help them to recognise and avoid it. Unfortunately, when searching for danger in this way, they soon begin seeing potential danger in many relatively safe situations which of course makes them feel anxious. They may also believe that by considering everything that could go wrong; they will be better prepared to cope when it does. However, often these beliefs mean a lot of extra time is spent worrying than is necessary, as many of our worries never come true. Of course, the more time we spend worrying, the more anxious we feel.

Another way someone's thinking style can keep their anxiety going is because they become 'worried about worrying'. Here, people tend to worry that they are doing harm to themselves (e.g. going mad) by worrying so often (which is not the case) and a vicious cycle occurs. Similarly, people often worry about the physical symptoms they experience when they are anxious (e.g. breathlessness, rapid heart rate etc). Unfortunately, worrying about these symptoms (which are perfectly safe and natural bodily reactions), only makes them feel worse, again creating a vicious cycle of anxiety.'

19-04-15, 17:52
This is so true, sometimes I feel if I worry about something it won't happen, and if I dont worry I won't be prepared, but all worry does is create misery for yourself and your family, its hard to stop once you start the cycle, but i am determined to beat it xx

19-04-15, 18:23
Bubble is addictive. I felt bad for 15 seconds when I lost my place. You have to be very accurate with bank shots too.

Worry is another of those words that has a similar word with a different meaning you can use. Worry is a process with either no answer or too many. Concern on the other hand has one answer even if it is wrong and so you can move on. So give worry one answer and move on. Concern is a natural reaction, worry is not.

19-04-15, 18:31
It certainly is, i wanted to stop, my eyes were watering but i just couldn't. :lac:

Give worry one answer and move on. :yesyes: