View Full Version : Spasms/Twitching/Nerve pain

19-04-15, 18:41
Hi guys,

So my new thing...

I was getting the odd muscle spasm around the body, nothing major. Also getting the occasional nerve firing in places.

I went to see an osteopath who said my neck muscles were very very tense, she tried to click my neck in the correct way, she failed. She then tried another 3 times on both sides without fail.

Ever since then, I have been having way more serious spasms/twitching/tingling/nerve pain. When I say nerve pain I don't just mean a nerve randomly firing for a second, I mean like a certain area will feel like the nerve has been crushed and is very painful.

So basically what I could do with knowing is; are these symptoms common for anxiety? Is it down to my tight neck muscles? Or could there be something else at play here?



19-04-15, 18:49
Hi Sam,

Yes i would say they are common symptoms of anxiety. They are for me anyway.

The nerve pain is it in one place or pretty much all over?

I suffered from twitches all over my body non stop for over a year(Drove me a tad insane) All benign fasciculation syndrome. This stopped once my anxiety improved, increased water intake and sorted out my deficiency's. I also get numbness and tinging sensations.

Take a look at the symptoms > http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/articles/symptoms

19-04-15, 19:02
Hi Sam,

Thanks for replying.

Nerve pain can be in a variety of places, for example i was sitting down the other day and noticed my left toe absolutely killed, it was horrible, like a cramping sensation. Other symptoms can be in fingers/forearm, legs etc. Generally all over. I had one corker today which made me jump almost, was just behind my left eye socket, it just happened suddenly and was quit painful.

I don't actually get any numbness, tingling is a complicated one, as when you meditate you explore you bodily sensations and be at one with them, so if you focus greatly on an area it will seem as if it is tingling anyway, so I would say I get some of that yes, but a lot of it will be hyper-awareness.