View Full Version : Rushes of adrenaline

19-04-15, 21:18
I keep having these rushes of adrenaline, I can feel it burning all over my body, it starts just under the breast bone, but it doesn't turn into a full blast panic attack. Now before you say something like "that's good then", I have suffered with pa's for many decades and my tension level would lessen after a pa. Now i'm not getting one, I just keep getting these rushes of adrenaline over and over and get the shakes and I'm still really anxious. Am I making sense? My breathing is bad and I feel dizzy. I'm sick of it :weep::weep:

I should have posted in 'rants' I suppose:ohmy::ohmy:

20-04-15, 05:39
This is how it tends to be with GAD, constant & building but never reaches a panic attack.

Try to get some exercise as this will cause your body to metabolize the excess adrenaline. Deep breathing also causes the same.

Try relaxation techniques because you need to aim to bring it down more consistently so that you don't experience it 24/7. Distractions can help but with these being more a long term thing, its better that its more healthy behaviours as opposed to the quick techniques which are more aimed at panic. Sometimes just getting on with a load of jobs/housework can help which is partly about focus but also there is some exercise in there too.

Some medications can also cause this. I suffered it badly for 8-10 days when crossing the epinephrine threshold in tapering up onto Duloxetine but I understand it to be an uncommon (1-100) side effect.

This is something that I have had a lot of with my GAD. From time to time I will have a more extreme adrenaline rush and you don't feel anxious with this, you feel like you can take anyone on and your breathing changes. I regard this as more an adrenaline rush and the other ones as elevated levels of constant adrenaline.

---------- Post added at 05:39 ---------- Previous post was at 05:38 ----------

I should have posted in 'rants' I suppose:ohmy::ohmy:

Where's that board? That would be quite a read! :winks::D

21-04-15, 15:43
Thank you for replying Terry. The anxiety symptoms for me must be changing. I have tried relaxation and deep breathing, it always seems to make me worse. Been like this as far back as I can remember, I cant see it changing and you would think I would be quite used to it after over 40 years but I'll never accept this as normal, perhaps though I should!!

I thought there was a 'rant' section but I cant find it so I could be wrong:shades:

23-04-15, 06:12
I know what you mean about relaxation and especially the deep breathing. It did that to me at first. I found I had to do it for a couple of weeks before I seemed to find it bothered me less in that respect.

With you feeling dizzy, would you be hyperventilating?

I don't think I will ever accept it as normal either, only as a temporary state, even if I never get free of it. I think accepting it as a permanent thing is admitting defeat really but I guess thats up to the individual to decide.

Oh, I think I know what you mean, the complaints box thread on the Misc board?

23-04-15, 18:21
I get a lot of these as well, especially since I've started medication - I'm not reaching panic attack level but have that constant underlying anxiety in my body. I agree with Terry that burning it off with exercise is a good thing. Also don't feed the anxiety with your diet e.g. caffeine, sugar and carb heavy meals. Those make my anxiety rushes loads worse.

05-05-15, 02:37
I too have been having what I call "flush & rush". Its like a hot flash (I'm only 40) meets an adrenaline rush. Sometimes I can refocus & wait it out... Cope I guess you'd say. But last week they were often & hard to manage. By Saturday it was so bad I just ended up in bed all weekend. Taking .25 mg Xanax would help some, at least keep me from freaking completely out but the only real relief was to just SLEEP. I have been flushed almost constant since Saturday morning, even when the adrenaline was minimal so I went to my GP this morning. She drew loads of labs & said if results don't show answers tomorrow I will need an abdominal scan & head CT. Not the best thing to tell someone who has certain health anxiety & possibly hypochondria! I am praying labs say perimenopause.... That sounds like the 1 diagnosis I could handle & maybe get treatment for! Any other women here going through this? I could use a battle partner.

09-05-15, 06:01
[QUOTE=xBettyBoopx;1415268]I keep having these rushes of adrenaline, I can feel it burning all over my body, it starts just under the breast bone, but it doesn't turn into a full blast panic attack. Now before you say something like "that's good then", I have suffered with pa's for many decades and my tension level would lessen after a pa. Now i'm not getting one, I just keep getting these rushes of adrenaline over and over and get the shakes and I'm still really anxious. Am I making sense? My breathing is bad and I feel dizzy. I'm sick of it :weep::weep:

I should have posted in 'rants' I suppose:ohmy::ohmy:


Wow I thought I was all alone on this one! Do you flush too? I do & my skin kinda stings when its real bad :-/ between the flushing & the rushing & the immediate thought process that some horrible medical thing must be happening... I'm going out of my mind!