View Full Version : Deviated septum surgery

19-04-15, 22:06
Been doing ok with my health anxiety lately but once again worried! I go in a week from this Thursday to have surgery on my deviated septum. I'm kind of freaking out! I have bad anxiety when it comes to feeling like I can't br eathe so I'm so afraid when I wake up from surgery I'm not going to be able to breathe well and I'll freak out! Even while its healing I'm afraid I won't be able to breathe. Has anyone ever had this surgery before? I've heard it's not that bad but for someone with health anxiety any little surgery is huge to us!

19-04-15, 22:16
Hi Joni,

I know how you feel about surgery. I have to have my wisdom teeth out under general anesthetic soon and I am terrified.

If you did have any problems breathing when you come round they would give you oxygen and you would be fine :-) xx

20-04-15, 20:31
Had it done myself some years ago, do not worry they will give you a pre med to ease anxiety, especially if the health team know. Honest its not that bad and afterwards you will find breathing through you nose so much easier (not immediately as you will be a little swollen and sore) and you wil find that side complications of the deviated septum like sinusitis are a thing of the past. No problems since and its been more than 20 years!!! since I had mine done. As joni above says there is oxygen in the recovery room, but I doubt you will need it. Good luck.... you will not need it though its a very common and straightforward op.

21-04-15, 00:47
Thank you so much to both of you for the responses. I know deep down I will be just fine just hard to believe with this anxiety. I am looking forward to all the benefits I've heard about after surgery and I'm really hoping this helps with my breathing and headaches. Just ready to get it done and over with so the healing can begin!