View Full Version : Panicking and frightened

19-04-15, 22:13
Hi, I'm new on here so apologies if posted in the wrong place or not the right content.
I'm suffering from severe health anxiety which no one on my family or friends really understands. I'm a chronic worrier and am
Wondering if anyone has any advice.
I am always worried about cancer, my mum died of breast cancer at 42 and she spent her life worrying about getting cancer and lived in fear, much like I am
Now. My family say that worrying probably increases my chances of getting cancer and that makes me feel worse because I can't control my fear and I feel like I'm living in constant panic. It's unbearable. Every twinge, pain etc I get I am convinced that this is it. I have overwhelming feelings that I'm dying and I'm seriously ill. Every time I have a nice day, I think that's probably going to be the last time I do have a nice day because soon I'll be diagnosed with something.
I also feel that sometimes worry protects me. It's like a safe place in my brain. Does this make any sense to anyone? I'm feeling pretty desperate.
And to top it all off, I went to the docs 2 weeks ago because I had a some headaches for a couple of weeks and she sent me for a blood test which came back that my white blood cell count was 3.8 and outside the normal range. I have just had a retest and have to see the doctor tomorrow for the results. Now, when I had the first test done I was coming down with a sinus and chest infection so am wondering if this could affect the results? I feel like I'm going mad.

19-04-15, 22:22
:welcome:first of all ,and it isn't suprised you are feeling this way love losing your mum is simple awful have you ever spoken to anyone about how you feel ,if not go speak to a gp get some help love with this don't suffer

19-04-15, 22:26
Hi Katy,

I'm really sorry to hear about your Mum. I don't know how long ago she passed but it would have surely contributed to your anxiety.

I can really understand your worries regarding cancer because my Mum had breast cancer. Thank fully she is fully recovered now and my Mum knows quite a few ladies who have had breast cancer who have also gone on to make full recoveries. It goes to show that most women do survive nowadays.

I think your family are wrong to say you are more likely to get cancer if you worry over it. Anxiety has no bearing on what illnesses you may get.

I think I know what you mean by worry protecting you because I kind of feel the same. If I'm not worrying about something I don't feel like me!

As for your blood tests sorry but I don't have a clue if an infection would have affected the results but I'm sure if the doctors were too concerned they would have called you back by now or done faster tests xx

20-04-15, 00:46
So sorry you feel like this. I have spent the last 30 or so years being terrified of cancer too. My Dad is the same and, though he has had cancer twice, is still alive at 90 so take heart from that.

25-04-15, 09:11
Thanks everyone for your comments, it's really helpful to know I'm not alone in this fear x

Flying Stars
25-04-15, 09:22
Totally understand too. I lost my Mom and the fear passed on to me...but I do see a therapist and that really helps, so I would recommend that. So many people suffer health anxiety after losing a loved one. Plus the worry state is like a default setting that's hard to get out of. Your docs would of called you back way before now if they were worried at all x