View Full Version : I Can't Seem To Stop Feeling Depressed?

22-01-07, 00:52
There is so much for me to be happy about.The last few days I have the feeling I would rather be asleep.Things that would normally interest me doesnt anymore..We have started many projects that we are doing around the home that are exciting with animals and getting ready for them..I usually am involved with everything and thinking about it and normally doing things.Now I have really no interest now and seem to just drift in and out of wanting to sleep and worry .I used to love tv and now I don't care about it anymore and now im losing interest in computers as well.Im afraid to even read anything much because I always hear what I dont want to read or hear.I used to get online on yahoo and answer things that I know about,but now I am quickly losing interest.How do you force yourself back into things that you used to like.I keep worrying that the sound that im hearing is perhaps an artery that is not giving me enough oxygen to my brain and perhaps thats affecting my mind..Or is it just anxiety causing me to feel this way?This seems to kind of come and go..If there was something major wrong wouldnt it be continuous ? It wouldn't just come and go correct? I worry that maybe there is not enough oxygen flowing and my thoughts arent correct or something.I just wondered is all of this just attributed to anxiety .Then I worry about weight loss and wonder if the losing weight will level off or will i just wheither away and die..I eat good but doesn't seem to help..But I look at myself and think I have never been this skinny.The doctors don't seem to care saying its good for my heart and blood pressure..So what can you do.


May all beings everywhere plagued
with sufferings of body and mind
quickly be freed from their illnesses.
May those frightened cease to be afraid,
and may those bound be free.
May the powerless find power,
and may people think of befriending each other.
May those who find themselves in trackless, fearful wilderness--
the children, the aged, the unprotected--
be guarded by beneficent celestials,
and may they swiftly attain Buddhahood.

22-01-07, 09:57
hi micheal, i know how u feel (kind of). im losing interest in everything 2. i no longer go out partying after work wiv my friend, ive stopped exercising (which i used 2 love with a great passion), ive strated eating unhealthily and have gave up my healthy low calorie diet yet ive still lost half a stone. i keep worrying 2, i feel as tho i look ill and my eyes are hurting badly. they sting am watery wen i wake up and i feel pressure behind them all day which adds more 2 my worrying. i just want u 2 know that ur not alone. why dont u try taking up a different hobby or interest. this mite give u more 2 look 4ward 2, i know im gonna. anyway hope ur feeling better soon sweetie, amy x p.s. dont sleep ur life away xx


22-01-07, 10:29
Hello looking4answers,

Lovely to meet you. You seem to have a lot of worrys and confusing thoughts at the moment. Have you seen your Dr to discuss this, maybe get referred for some counselling??

I suffer with depression and now I'm feeling on the up having just been through a rough patch. I can relate totally to wanting to go to bed and would rather be alseep however with three young boys I just can't do that, however didn't stop me feeling like I wanted to shut out the world.

As for the projects don't beat yourself up about it. Accept your feelings now and know that in time you'll get back to the things you enjoy doing but you have to relax and accept for now you are feeling low and lethargic so don't feel bad about not being interested in them for now. Maybe break down your feelings and try to tackle them individually, life as a whole can seem very overwhelming when looked at too generally.

For now it seems you are stressing about your health. Again I would suggest you talking to your Dr. Are you on meds ?

I really hope things get better for you soon, if I can help at all please feel free to pm me. Posting your thoughts and feelings is healing, letting out those inner emotions is vital, helps sorts out and offload what you are keeping inside.

Take care and maybe pop into chatroom sometime and talk to others who will listen and support you.

love Sax xx

22-01-07, 11:53
I am very skinny and have lost weight unintentionally recently and my doctors don't seem concerned either! I felt worse and worse over two months and eventually I couldn't stop crying at all. I have started taking prozac and receiving counsilling and I am starting to feel better now. Maybe go back to the docs?

22-01-07, 13:47
Hi Michael,

I can relate to what you say in your post and my depression is directly related to my anxities.

Projects and chores that previously have provided a stimulous are now a real drag and consequently I either get behind on them or dont do them at all.

I continually beat myself up over stuff and seem stuck in a big hole. I know there is a way out of it but for whatever reason I keep slipping back into it.

I could easily have written your post and if you ever want to talk about it, please get in touch.

Take care


What's so funny about peace, love and understanding?

23-01-07, 00:38
Once again I just wanted to thank everyone for sharing how they feel.I suppose for us all its a never ending battle one day breaching into another and so on.I appreciate it so much that you share your innermost feelings with me and reply to me.Its no greater feeling of loneliness than when you ask a question and no one answers.Thank you and yes im on meds but Ill just keep trying .It just makes me depressed knowing i worry so much everyday and always wondering will it ever get better..


May all beings everywhere plagued
with sufferings of body and mind
quickly be freed from their illnesses.
May those frightened cease to be afraid,
and may those bound be free.
May the powerless find power,
and may people think of befriending each other.
May those who find themselves in trackless, fearful wilderness--
the children, the aged, the unprotected--
be guarded by beneficent celestials,
and may they swiftly attain Buddhahood.