View Full Version : How long do your palpitations last?

20-04-15, 13:25
Hi guys,

I've been having a little bit of trouble with palpitations recently. When I get them, it's usually just one big thump which sort of forces the breath out of me a bit and then I feel fine again, if a little freaked. Sometimes, however, I get sensations of palpitations or fluttering (or just a "funny" feeling in my chest, so to speak) that lasts a fair bit longer- I had this for about 20 minutes the other night until I was able to fall asleep.

Does anyone else get this? If so, do you have any tips for making it stop, etc? I tried the valsalva manoeuvre and that seemed to help it but the feeling returned- maybe because I was just so aware of it or expecting it to happen. I definitely feel that I can make my heartrate increase and do some funny things if I fixate on it completely.

I've had ECGs and Echos at rest/stress and bloodwork which was ok. Advice would be appreciated- thanks :)

21-04-15, 20:08
Palpitations take many forms.

I experience them like a kind of thump in my chest - sternum area, or between my nipples. Sometimes they take me by surprise and take my breath away, but never to the point of shortness of breath. I too had a treadmill stress test, a 24h holter monitor, specific blood tests and numerous ECGs done, and everything was normal, except the stress test, which established that my shape is very poor. But that was because not enough exercise.

27-04-15, 16:20
The longest I have had them last is for about 2 seconds each time over the course of 5 mins. Usually I just get them last for a couple of seconds and that's it and can go days or weeks without more.

I usually find I get them when I am lying down and when I am drifting off to sleep. They make me jump and make me feel like I am choking or my chest is going to explode.

27-04-15, 16:29
I haven't had these for ages but hated them when they did happen. Mine felt like something was fluttering around in my chest - like a tickly feeling. My heart would then beat really quick for a few seconds and stop.... not my heart just the feeling :huh:. The more I worried about them happening, the more anxious I would feel & the cycle would start again. I found that lying down for a few minutes and taking deep breaths through my nose and out through my mouth helped hugely. xx

28-04-15, 12:30
Hi there, I agree with Meche. The only way mine settle is to relax and reduce my anxiety levels. I've got palps now. Get them badly when my anxiety flares. They can be pretty much constant. That skipping a beat fluttering sensation. I hate it too. It's really scary. I try to ignore it as much as I can. Use distraction. When in bed I do my belly breathing and meditate to relax and fall asleep. I hope that helps you some.

28-04-15, 18:31
Only ever had them last longer than a second or two once after exercise. To be honest I don't think it was palpitations, it seemed to be an irregular rhythm but it reset itself after around 15 minutes so I didn't get the chance to check what it was.

I see a cardiologist soon so hopefully something shows up in the tests otherwise I doubt I'll ever do proper exercise again in fear of triggering the same thing. Very unpleasant when your heart is thudding every 3rd or so beat for that length of time. An ECG a few weeks later showed nothing.