View Full Version : Still achy lower back and leg 6 weeks :

20-04-15, 17:15
I'm here again and still have this achey lower left achey back in my buttocks and aching in my leg it's really getting me down im really thinking it's something serious now pressing on my nerves that's causing this it's horrible has anyone had lower back pain and leg pain if so how long did it last I have been docs and they sed 6 weeks till it feels better but it's been 6 weeks im scared x

20-04-15, 18:22
Hi Beckie,

Have you considered it being Sciatica symptoms?

I went through an horrendous time with it and still suffer from lower back pain every now and then. Sciatica is the term for a range of symptoms felt along the sciatic nerve, aching, sharp pains, numbness, burning sensations and tingling are common.

It usually affects the lower back/buttock area and one leg, sometimes it can be both.

---------- Post added at 18:22 ---------- Previous post was at 18:18 ----------

P.S i had chronic sciatica for 2 years, some people have acute sciatica. Mine is due to a 'slipped disc' which is the most common cause. I had an MRI scan

I had to change my lifestyle to get better, being more active most definitely. My posture needed attention and due to me working in an office and sitting for long periods. There are certain stretches you can do to help take the pressure of the nerve. (All assuming it is sciatica)

20-04-15, 19:44
Thanks sam im not sure what it is but it gets be down lately x

20-04-15, 19:53
Hi Beckie,

Yes i can imagine it is, if bad chronic sciatica can be quite debilitating, it sounds like it could be sciatica.
I don't mean to sound gloomy but it will more than likely only get worse if you don't treat it and be consistent, i'd explain the pain to your doctor and if it is sciatica i would suggest asking for a leaflet on the exercises/stretches that help release tension from the lower back. Sitting for long periods should also be avoided,

I will be honest here because i ignored the exercises they told me to do and didn't really make any changes to the way i was looking after my lower back and posture, just because some days i would be alright so i assumed it had gone, only for it to come back worse.
Anyhow it got so bad that i literally could barely walk from room to room and even crawled around the house :blush: So if it turns out to be sciatic pain please take their advise and if you need any tips i can help as i've been dealing with it for quite some time :)

20-04-15, 20:01
Thanks same for your advice x

20-04-15, 20:30
No problem :)

21-04-15, 06:45

21-04-15, 08:28
Been some great replies in these threads concerning your achy back.



Hope you take some of the advice and feel better soon :)

Positive thoughts

21-04-15, 08:41
Sounds like sciatica to me too.

They say 6 weeks because thats the time is takes for the vast majority of people who have it to recover.

I would suggest reading the NHS Choices info about it here http://www.nhs.uk/conditions/sciatica/Pages/Introduction.aspx

The sciatic nerve runs down both legs so some people feel the pain and tingling down the left or the right. I think I've heard some people say they have it down both but I can't be sure on that.

The exercises Sam is referring to are in that link (see the exercise video "Excercises for sciatica" down the right hand side on the treatment tab).

I've found the tingling can be all the way down into the foot and toes. My dad has had bad sciatica like Sam's and he said he had symptoms like that too. He was unable to walk and had to crawl on his stomach between rooms at one point but thats a rare example of how it affected him and most of the times it was more difficulty bending, lifting the affected leg high, etc).

I've had my sciatica 10 months so far but I have other mitigating issues such as a sleep issue due to my OCD as I couldn't get more than about 5 hours. Now I am addressing this successfully I am seeing my sciatica improve. I also had a bit of a knackered mattress so I've turned that around for now until I get a new one.

Posture is important and especially how you sit. Low chairs are a real pain with this as well.

Just because you have had it 6 weeks doesn't mean its going to go on much longer especially if you start to work on it now.

You will also find that you will adapt to it so that it doesn't affect your anxiety/depression as much, I know I did.

Since there is an inflammation aspect to this, you could also look for natural supplements to compliment this. Just be sure to check them on Drugs.com's interaction checker against any medication you are on and be mindful of other health conditions.

Its also a legitimate physical illness. So, try to rationalise with that and accept it as something & nothing that you can work on. Don't look at any worst case stuff with this because sciatica so very common and the vast majority see it come & go or don't have much pain with it anyway.

21-04-15, 14:10
Thanks for your replys the pai just gets you down when it goes on for so long x

21-04-15, 20:14

21-04-15, 20:22
Hi Beckie,

What advice is it that you are looking for? As you have been given a very probable reason for your pain, are you looking in to the exercises and how to correct your posture?

I am afraid things do not just get better on their own you need to put in the work to make the change that is needed.
Are you still fearing it is something else, do you not believe it could be sciatica?
It would be great if you could give some more information as you keep bumping the thread but i don't think there's much to add at the moment, so a little info as to where you are at may help.

Gary A
21-04-15, 20:57
Have you been to physiotherapy yet?

22-04-15, 04:31
You've had a couple of different posts on this same issue, and have been given some great advice on each one. I too agree with sciatica, as it has been a problem for me since the birth of my second child 5 years ago. I would make an appointment with your doctor so he/she can help you manage the pain. Physical therapy works wonders as well.

22-04-15, 05:07
Thanks for your replys the pai just gets you down when it goes on for so long x

Yes, it does. I found this more early on though and then you get more used to it like any pain condition and just muddle on as best you can without it affecting your day as much.

I still have the odd spell where it gets me down but not like early on.

Try not to analyse it too much, as hard as thats going to be for someone with HA, because you just want to get on with your day and the more you do that, the less the attention it will get.

Sciatica needs exercise more than sitting about and we can do a lot of sitting about with anxiety disorders. Gentle exercise is useful.

Aside from the basic NHS stretches, which are really just based on yoga, there are more stretches available that yogis promote.

22-04-15, 05:18
Hi Beckie,
I had the exact same symptoms a few years ago. The doctor said probably bursitis or sciatica. Had an X-ray but they could not see anything. They said I could have an MRI but they were not convinced that I needed one. I was positive I was dying of some cancer. Finally after about 2/3 months the pain started subsiding and has not bothered me again. If it was serious it would have gotten much worse with time. These problems take a long time to go since we use our backs and legs so much.

22-04-15, 06:38
Thanks kassie appreciate your post x

22-04-15, 15:38
I'm not looking for the same people to comment and have ago because I'm still asking people im looking for new people who are experiencing the same thing as me or have been thro it thanks x

22-04-15, 16:57
Hi Beckie,

I replied to your thread as i said i have suffered with sciatica for years. So i am someone who is experiencing the same thing, i don't think anyone's having a go, but this isn't the first time you've posted about this pain, everyone's pretty much gave the same suggestions, and you've not updated anyone on whether you've been to physio or how the exercises are going ect?


22-04-15, 20:34
I havnt even to physio as the doc sed try the tablets first ive been doing the excercises but all still the same x

Gary A
22-04-15, 20:52
Well then go to the physiotherapist. What's the point in sitting on an Internet forum asking people if they've had the same thing? Just go and get it dealt with. If something doesn't work then try something else.

22-04-15, 21:04
Because I want to

23-04-15, 13:52
Istill having the same pain 7 weeks on please don't comment with negative comments if u don't like my post don't reply on it ignore it

Gary A
23-04-15, 15:00
This is not me being negative, it's a serious question. Why, rather than constantly bumping a thread on a forum full of strangers, do you not go to your doctor and do the physiotherapy as they've said? There has been countless replies to you of people telling you their experiences and what it most likely is. Again, not being negative, I just don't think this is getting you anywhere.

23-04-15, 18:00
I no I keep bumping it up but I'm just after people who r experiencing it or have experienced I don't hink im doing anything wrong if people r annoyed with me that I keep bumping then they don't have to reply .thanks for your advice tho

Gary A
23-04-15, 18:13
I don't think anyone is annoyed, personally, I'm just a bit baffled. I don't see what you're gaining by not going for physiotherapy and bumping this thread. If you went for physiotherapy your problem would be resolved. Are you going to go for physiotherapy?

23-04-15, 18:22
Why not check out a back pain forum?



Positive thoughts

23-04-15, 19:28
When you keep bumping and no one replies, you just start new threads, ask why no one is replying, and bump those. Lots of people have shared their opinions with you, which is why they're understandably frustrated.

24-04-15, 04:03
Hi Becky, you are very persistent with wanting people on a forum to respond to you, and when you don't get what you want, you start a new thread. You should try being this persistent with your doctors, and get the physical therapy you need. I've had sciatica. Pt helped me so so much. It takes a long while for that to heal, but medication alone will not help.

24-04-15, 04:37
The OP's doctor has advised against physio at this stage and has issued some medication so will be monitoring the situation.

I remember when mine started and I read the NHS Choices info about it. It mentioned that the vast majority of cases are resolved within 6 weeks. So, I can't see a GP wasting money on physio unless it is obviously too bad to treat via the normal pathways they use. I don't know what the healthcare system is like in Canada but in the UK, they would try the stretching and meds first and if they don't work I expect physio is the next step.

I remember my dad had far worse sciatica than mine and he had it on & off for years. He was only referred to physio after weeks off work because his back went and he couldn't get up off his knees when he was working one day. I remember coming home to find him crawling along the floor.

So, maybe we need to consider the fact the doctor is happy with current treatment and is monitoring the situation. The OP just needs to keep on their doctors case if they need a referral or pay for private if they can do it whenever they want anyway. Its only been 7 weeks though.

So, maybe its not that simple?

24-04-15, 10:50
Thanks terry sore appreciate that x

---------- Post added at 10:50 ---------- Previous post was at 07:47 ----------

Just want to cry

Gary A
24-04-15, 11:49
If the medication isn't working then you need to go back to your doctor. If they're reluctant to send you for physio then you have to tell them just how much this is affecting you. I think that constantly talking about this and re-posting the same query over and over is doing nothing but feed your anxiety over it. The more you think about it the more you'll notice it. Perhaps the pain would die down a little if you stopped focusing on it so much.

Failing that, you simply must keep on at your doctor to either change your medication or refer you for some kind of physiotherapy. The bottom line is that you're worrying yourself silly over something that's not in any way serious. I don't doubt it's painful, but that's all it is. I feel you won't really be happy until someone tells you that this is something serious. It really isn't, and as you can see from the numerous responses you've had, it's actually very common and can take weeks, months and even years to resolve.

24-04-15, 11:54
My pains mid back iv had well over a year even hurts to take deep breathes when my ribs expand . I went drs as panicking its something worse like bone cancer. The drs dont seem concerned just tell me its due to posture etc.anyone else experienced anything similar ie hurts to breathe.

24-04-15, 12:12
If the medication isn't working then you need to go back to your doctor. If they're reluctant to send you for physio then you have to tell them just how much this is affecting you. I think that constantly talking about this and re-posting the same query over and over is doing nothing but feed your anxiety over it. The more you think about it the more you'll notice it. Perhaps the pain would die down a little if you stopped focusing on it so much.

Failing that, you simply must keep on at your doctor to either change your medication or refer you for some kind of physiotherapy. The bottom line is that you're worrying yourself silly over something that's not in any way serious. I don't doubt it's painful, but that's all it is. I feel you won't really be happy until someone tells you that this is something serious. It really isn't, and as you can see from the numerous responses you've had, it's actually very common and can take weeks, months and even years to resolve.

Focusing on it does make it worse. It must be harder with HA having to battle the nagging thoughts about it being something worse than it is.

It will depend on how long on medication and what else they can try. Anti inflammatories tend to be the start but they might not be the only thing.

Like I said, most people see it go in 6 weeks hence they don't clog up the physios and with it being just over, its probably being monitored. Besides, physio is only something to try, it doesn't always help as it didn't for my dad as his went on its own in the end with better practices in the home.

TENS can work. That helps my dad a lot. I found it helped me until it was more slight and then it didn't seem to be doing much anymore.

---------- Post added at 12:12 ---------- Previous post was at 12:07 ----------

My pains mid back iv had well over a year even hurts to take deep breathes when my ribs expand . I went drs as panicking its something worse like bone cancer. The drs dont seem concerned just tell me its due to posture etc.anyone else experienced anything similar ie hurts to breathe.

You can get that with muscular tension especially if you are tense around the diaphragm.

Remember the lungs expand more to the back as well so tension in your back could be present.

I very quote a lot of this.

You may also find you are quite focused on your breathing.

Try breathing exercises and Progressive Muscle Relaxation (PMR).

24-04-15, 12:43
I've had a L4-L5 disc bulge for over 30 years. I've had my share of back pain and times when I've tweaked it. It. Just. Takes. Time. REST then, when it heals, proper exercise to strengthen the muscles around the injury. Finally, anti inflammation meds and physio may be needed to resolve and maintain things but most of all it's time.

For the most part, there are a set number of regular members on the boards. Bumping and re-posting the same issue will only yield the same answers. Doing so in the hopes of getting 1 or 2 others to answer seems to be what many are saying. It makes sense in this case to seek help and reassurance with others who have had and are suffering back issues on a back pain forum. There is also information and hints on how to deal with and treat it. While there are a few here, there are an entire board full there. Unfortunately, there's not much more anyone can say.

Positive thoughts

25-04-15, 06:16
I've had a L4-L5 disc bulge for over 30 years. I've had my share of back pain and times when I've tweaked it. It. Just. Takes. Time. REST then, when it heals, proper exercise to strengthen the muscles around the injury.

I agree with the time issue but I'll have to disagree on rest when it comes to sciatica as resting is known to make it worse. Some level of exercise is needed unless its really really bad in which case rest is all that is possibly while medication & physio improves it first.

I agree with the strengthening. I think we neglect core muscles and I don't mean abs, I mean all the tiny muscles used in functional exercises. I'm sure you would know all about this being a former PT.

Using other more relevant forums is good. I would do this. The only thing we need to point out is that physical health forums can be a bit like Googling as they will contain anything from the trivial to the severe. So, I think the OP needs to use those with caution i.e. look only for sciatica and ignore the rest. The HA person may not have the ability to control their distortions, I guess it depends how far along they are on the recovery journey. Also, I wouldn't mention anxiety as there could be a lot of people who will be ignorant of it and some responses may be less than sympathetic.

Has the doctor actually diagnosed sciatica though? I can see comments about stretches, but thats it.

25-04-15, 15:37
I agree with the strengthening. I think we neglect core muscles and I don't mean abs, I mean all the tiny muscles used in functional exercises. I'm sure you would know all about this being a former PT.

Regardless if sciatica (which I have) is involved here, exercise is key to strengthening the muscles around the injury. But going back to rest. I know from my experience that the disc bulge, muscle spasms and resulting sciatica were from a freak thing. I was lifting up my guitar and turned as I did and BAM! Let me tell you what! It took my breath away! I was in my 20's and in great shape. It totally floored me. The next day, I literally couldn't get out of bed. I ended up getting a doctors appointment and the subsequent tests revealed the bulge. There were pain meds and muscle relaxers for a while and yes, plenty of rest. I actually had no choice as there was no moving around worth mentioning.

Since then through the years, I've tweaked my back many times. What followed was extreme pain, muscle spasms and that lovely tweaky electric like pain down my legs. It always would be a good two months before it healed completely. And even now, while I don't have any issues, there still are those days when I can predict the weather by the dull ache in my lower back and other areas of my body that have been cut or injured through the years (it's going to rain today ~lol~)

With the OP, she said the doctor told her it was a torn ligament which is a lumbar sprain. A lumbar sprain like other body part sprains (ankle, shoulder etc.) is a pretty severe trauma and like other sprains it takes rest to allow the injury to initially heal. Once it has healed and mobility begins to return, then physio may be needed to help strengthen the area around it. Certainly the injury could have resulted in sciatica as many have mentioned but only time will tell the extent and long term effects if any.

So yeah... time... rest... meds... healing... physio and exercise to regain mobility and prevent future issues. And yes, most people at one time or another in their lives have suffered an injury to their back which resulted in what the OP is experiencing and the large number of responses to the original question affirms that.

Positive thoughts

26-04-15, 04:54
Regardless if sciatica (which I have) is involved here, exercise is key to strengthening the muscles around the injury. But going back to rest. I know from my experience that the disc bulge, muscle spasms and resulting sciatica were from a freak thing. I was lifting up my guitar and turned as I did and BAM! Let me tell you what! It took my breath away! I was in my 20's and in great shape. It totally floored me. The next day, I literally couldn't get out of bed. I ended up getting a doctors appointment and the subsequent tests revealed the bulge. There were pain meds and muscle relaxers for a while and yes, plenty of rest. I actually had no choice as there was no moving around worth mentioning.

Since then through the years, I've tweaked my back many times. What followed was extreme pain, muscle spasms and that lovely tweaky electric like pain down my legs. It always would be a good two months before it healed completely. And even now, while I don't have any issues, there still are those days when I can predict the weather by the dull ache in my lower back and other areas of my body that have been cut or injured through the years (it's going to rain today ~lol~)

With the OP, she said the doctor told her it was a torn ligament which is a lumbar sprain. A lumbar sprain like other body part sprains (ankle, shoulder etc.) is a pretty severe trauma and like other sprains it takes rest to allow the injury to initially heal. Once it has healed and mobility begins to return, then physio may be needed to help strengthen the area around it. Certainly the injury could have resulted in sciatica as many have mentioned but only time will tell the extent and long term effects if any.

So yeah... time... rest... meds... healing... physio and exercise to regain mobility and prevent future issues. And yes, most people at one time or another in their lives have suffered an injury to their back which resulted in what the OP is experiencing and the large number of responses to the original question affirms that.

Positive thoughts

Cheers FMP, didn't notice that, seen the previous thread now.

I'm surprised at the diagnosis really as the radiating down the leg isn't a symptom of a back sprain but it is a symptom of sciatica. I guess at the appointment, Beckie might have only mentioned back pain at the time which leg to this as doctors are likely to diagnose this without examination as its so common in its less painful form. The decreased range of motion can be seen with sciatica as well although that would be a giveaway for a sprain or strain in that area.

6 weeks with a basic sprain with no know trauma seems less likely unless there are other physical health issues putting you at risk. I would have to be a fair pull or twist otherwise.

It think it would be wise for Beckie to check to be sure because some of us have been mentioned sciatica stretches and I don't think it would be wise with a torn ligament, as you said it needs rest first to repair before putting it under more pressure.

27-04-15, 10:31
I went to one docter who sed it prob was a ligament and then went to other docter who sed as it was goignn down my legs it was the nerve irritated in my lower back the only prob is I feel e ache is coming from like the middle of my bum as when I press there it's sore .i have soreness all the way up my back when I go to the ciropractor he says the muscles in my I back are very tight and are all knotted . I just can't see how it's not anything serious it's crazy it should last thins long

---------- Post added at 10:31 ---------- Previous post was at 10:29 ----------

She gave me ibroprofen and co coda ol some days I feel better than others some days I feel the ache in my back then it's changes in my thighs then my bum it seems to mice around the pain

27-04-15, 10:35
Thats good that you don't see it as anything serious.

Sadly, back problems can take a while, as FMP will be able to tell you, and my sciatica has been going much longer (its manageable though).

The back thing might have thrown the first doctor then but at least the second has spotted the sciatica link.

Maybe you have muscular tension in your back? Its very common with anxiety disorders. So, maybe 2 issues? Or maybe a ligament and sciatica? Only a doctor will be able to say for sure.

Its just going to need a load of time and care to sort it out. Be realistic about it or it will feed your anxiety. Accept it needs its time to repair and it will bother you less.

27-04-15, 10:38
I put that I can't see how it isn't anything serious as in its gone on for so long it has to be lol . I no ive got muscle tension in my back the cyro says it's very knotted and tense . The only thing I take positive is that my back pain has been there bout 6 years and I wud of thought if it was anything serious I wud be dead by now lol ive had an X-ray on ly upper back which was normal I just hope something like bone cancer wud show up on an xray but dunno :(

27-04-15, 10:47
I think if it was something like that over that long, it would have been a very different story.

One possibility on the sciatica is that due to your existing back issues, it could have put further stress on other areas due to things like posture. But don't think that just because you've had it slightly longer than the average person that it will go on a long time, it might just be taking a bit longer due to you having the back problem.

27-04-15, 10:49
I dunno some days I feel better than others I guess I'll go bk docs and demand an xray or something I dunno I dunno this anxiety sucks thanks for all your advice I no I post a lot on here but anxietys a bitch :)

29-04-15, 23:39
Thanks terry for your advice :)

03-05-15, 18:02

03-05-15, 20:15
Symptoms of Sciatica. The most common symptom of sciatica is lower back pain that extends through the hip and buttock and down one leg. The pain usually affects only one leg and may get worse when you sit, cough, or sneeze. The leg may also feel numb, weak, or tingly at times.

04-05-15, 17:37
hi,sam is there any proper treatment of this problem is available or not ?

04-05-15, 17:44
Hi Paul,

I was referred by my doctor for physiotherapy, it didn't help a great deal but she did teach me some useful stretches to loosen the muscles in my lower back.

There's quite a lot online about easing sciatica pain. In my experience being more active is definitely the key, obviously if it's a very painful stage of sciatica then it's probably best not to do anything to further aggravate the area.

Basically it's the Sciatic nerve that runs downs your spine and into the sciatic area covering your hip/buttock area. When this is being compressed by tight muscles or a disc it will cause pain/burning sensations anywhere along the nerve path. Down one leg is common too.

Mine was far worse after days of doing nothing, i found the more i walked and was active it eased up. Paying attention to your posture and how you sit when you rest will help too. Stretches and strengthening your core muscles.

04-05-15, 18:11
thanks sam for ur reply .what kind of tests and scans you have done before diagnosis i am asking because my alder brother has have this same gp did xray of his back and said its muscles tightness or narve pain and put him on advil after two weeks no releaf naw he has rafered to specialist and his appointment is next week.

04-05-15, 18:29
They did some physical tests like having me lie down on my back and raise both legs, my legs shook a lot when doing this. They also asked in detail what the pain was like, when i felt it and where it was. After 8 weeks of the pain not easing and me going in there very worried they sent me for a MRI scan on my lower back.

It showed a bulging disc which was the cause for the sciatica. Also my physiotherapist said my muscles in that area were very tense. Painkillers may help but they obviously won't cure what's causing the pain.

The muscles will need loosening which means exercises and stretches for that area. I had stages where i would be pain free for a few weeks then it would come back with a bang. I was very stubborn at first and didn't want to do the exercises i was given, pretty much hoping it would just go on it's own. Eventually it got so bad that i had to take time of work and was unable to walk, i used to crawl around my house. :doh:

I'd definitely advise lot's of walking and or swimming to help, a pilate dvd helped me too. His core muscles will need strengthening which will take the pressure of the nerve.

05-05-15, 23:15

18-05-15, 16:00
The docters has sent me for an xray last Friday as she sed to out my mind at rest but it hasn't the anxious wait is terrible I just no somethings wrong the pain I'm in isn't right :(