View Full Version : Morning nausea everyday

20-04-15, 17:22
For the last week I've been having morning nausea everyday. Before this it was only stomach cramps, gas pains and stomach grawling which was usually relieved after using the bathroom, sometimes several times. Normally it would be a mix of constipation or diarrhea though it's mostly been diarrhea this week. This morning I was awaken out of my sleep which has been the norm for my BM lately and had to go. I was a little constipated and the BM was smaller but solid. At this time I only had s morning rush but no nausea. I laid back down in bed and couldn't fall back asleep then the morning nausea started. This usually lasts for an hour or sometimes more in the morning then goes away but it still is tough for me to eat a lot because of it. Also the last few days I've been experiencing back pain on the left side again. I did lift heavy wood and steel on Saturday so I'm trying to convince myself it's from that but I also have rib pain on the left side of the abdomen and my pancreatic cancer fear just won't go away. I keep telling myself I'm only 27 and I couldn't be that unlucky but these symtoms aren't helping.

I know most will say it's probably IBS and I hope that's the case. It doesn't help that I recently came across an article where a women was misdiagnosed with IBS and actually had pancreatic cancer. It was quite scary and I wish I never stumbled upon that article.

20-04-15, 18:42
Hey, this has been me every day since the end of 2010. I've had a colonoscopy and endoscopy. Several stool tests and more blood tests than I can count. The only thing that ever comes back is low ferritin levels. I am at the Drs tomorrow to discuss my results as my ferritin levels are the lowest they've ever been so I'm a bit apprehensive about that. However, all the Drs have always said its IBS xx

20-04-15, 18:44
Hey, this has been me every day since the end of 2010. I've had a colonoscopy and endoscopy. Several stool tests and more blood tests than I can count. The only thing that ever comes back is low ferritin levels. I am at the Drs tomorrow to discuss my results as my ferritin levels are the lowest they've ever been so I'm a bit apprehensive about that. However, all the Drs have always said its IBS xx

Thanks for the reply. I'm sorry you have been going through this for years but it's good to hear it's nothing serious. Do you ever get rib pain on either side? What about belching often?

21-04-15, 18:47
I get rib pain yes. Sometimes I get a tightening across my tummy, sometimes a pain that hurts to touch just to the right of my belly button. Everything single twinge I get a worry about but then I must remember apart from my ferritin levels my bloods are fine. Plus I have had it for so long. I have cyclizine from the Drs to help with the sick feeling.

21-04-15, 23:24
Omg, I had exactly the same thing. I would always gag and dry retch in the morning. It just went away after a while. I think it was a diet related thing but my HA seemed to make it worse