View Full Version : done in

silver blaze
20-04-15, 18:08
When I've just done a few jobs I'm absolutely exhausted and have to have a sit down to get my strength back not that I have that much to start with, does any body else get this?

20-04-15, 21:17
I get this. It is as though the anxiety is using up all the energy and stamina in my body. Don't know what the solution is.

20-04-15, 22:25
If it takes less than two hours to recuperate it is normal, if it takes twenty four hours it is chronic fatigue and you will have to learn to pace yourself better. With CF you have only so many hours in a day and there is no difference if you use them on the computer or doing actual work.

20-04-15, 22:35
Yes, I am like this and even more so now I am on Holiday breathing in the fresh sea air. Thank you Davit for explaining this as I have been worried about it. My Mum keeps telling me that something is more seriously wrong with me, which obviously makes my Anxiety ten times worse. :unsure: