View Full Version : I have Parkinsons and want to use cannabis

20-04-15, 20:56
Hi all

I was diagnosed in Jan 2011 with parkinsons and was almost in a wheelchair by Jan of 2014. The doctor told me not to go on medication too soon so I didn't. In Jan of 2014 I had a bad fall in the kitchen, so started Levodopa/carbidopa. Within one month I was like a new man. Wow what a change! Do not know how long the medication will work but for now I am doing ok.

That brings me to my insomnia. Parkinsons does not let you sleep much. So I want to use cannabis. My question is, why are so many people scared of this little plant. People have used it for 5000 years. Not one recorded death from it! But a lot of people are so scared of it. WHY? We should be scared of booze and tobacco. They should be illegal! How many people do they kill?! The cannabis plant is proving to be a miracle plant. The government has done a great brain washing job on the people! If you are scared of cannabis, then tell me why? I personally do not believe anything the government says or does anymore.

20-04-15, 21:03
Hiya wooodyp and welcome to NMP :welcome:

Why not take a look at our articles on our home page, they contain a wealth of information and are a great starting place for your time on the forum.

I hope you find the as site helpful and informative as I have and that you get the help and support you need here and hope that you meet a few friends along the way :yesyes:

20-04-15, 23:46
Hi all

The government has done a great brain washing job on the people! If you are scared of cannabis, then tell me why? I personally do not believe anything the government says or does anymore.

I totally agree and wish you good health :yesyes:

Cannabidiols found in cannabis are very therapeutic for children with epilepsy, pain relief and even retarding cancer cells. The only reason that this drug will not be legalised is that it cannot be patented and is not a source of profit for pharmaceutical companies.

I do not use cannabis, but cannot see a problem with therapeutic use where it is scientifically proven to help.

Antidepressants are far more harmful to cognitive functioning and the overall health of the central nervous system.

All the best to you. Be well x

21-04-15, 01:42
Because some of us it makes psychotic. If it doesn't bother you then do it. I gather you aren't asking our permission. Just being critical. It is legal in a number of states, you could move there. Don't think you will like their health system.

21-04-15, 03:51
The compassion club I am getting a membership with has been operating for at least 12 years in Canada and do not seem to be bothered too much by the police. They are very professional but are illegal under the rules of the law. How the government can rate cannabis as a schedule 1 drug (in the same category as heroin I think) and say that it has no benefits is crazy. It all comes down to money. The government and big business all have their hands in each others pockets. Our whole system is corrupt. We need someone to protect us from the government!

I realize that cannabis is not for everyone but this plant is doing some amazing good for people, and may even cure some cancers. Too bad the cancer society will not study the plant for cancer cures, but I do not think they want a cure. If they found a cure there goes billions of dollars out of their pockets. The whole thing stinks!

21-04-15, 04:13
A lot of people legally use MJ for pain. The govt does recognize this. The stuff the pharmacy sells is not very good so people grow their own.

21-04-15, 04:25
Hi and welcome to NMP :welcome:

I agree with the medical community having the ability to prescribe it since the things they are willing to prescribe, and have been as they are the norm, are often far more damaging and addictive e.g. morphine, ketamine, etc.

Beyond that, its a seperate issue as far as I am concerned. Its a shame because the politicians are dithering over allowing it in a medical context because of the message it could send to the public and I think they should just get on with it and tackle that as a separate problem later. We don't need cannabis outside of a medical context anyway.

I wish you all the best with it and I hope it helps and doesn't bring any detrimental side effects as you have enough to cope with.

21-04-15, 15:04
I have morphine 10 mg. Not big enough to get high. Probably not as strong as MJ. Convenient though. I took one last month, might need one today. I overdid it last few days and I'm very sore. I have less trouble with it than I do with codeine.

08-10-15, 08:39
Hello, despite what we may believe about cannabis there are actually products out there made from hemp plants that are legal and can be used as an alternative medicine. Hemp products contains a compound known as CBD, this compound proves to be very beneficial and have a lot of medical uses. The hemp plants I'm talking about is much different from the recreational marijuana. You see, hemp plants that are legal are industrialized. It contains more CBD than THC. THC is the compound that is psychoactive. They extract CBD from the plant hence most hemp products are hemp oils. These products are already legal in some countries and are being used for many things. For more information visit Endoca, the best brand of hemp in the market.