View Full Version : Anxious while exercising?

22-01-07, 02:24
When I exercise I find that it makes me feel more anxious and out of breath. Also like when I was cleaning my tub the other day, I felt my anxiety coming on and started feeling out of breath. So I don't understand why I start to feel out of breath when being active or exercising?

Does this happen to anyone else? I find it to be so annoying!!!


22-01-07, 05:46
Yes, this happens to me as well. I suppose it's because I'm pretty inactive in my daily life.
So when I start exercising or cleaning house, my heart pounds and I get out of breath and my mind confuses this with anxiety.
In any case, I have found that if I just push on it goes away.

"You can't yell loud enough to make me shut up."

22-01-07, 06:58
It was hard for me to understand this when others like you told me this, which I had never felt. However recently a week back. I did feel ODD while exercising. Actually I interpreted it in two ways,
1. The anxiety actually reduces, but we become more aware of it.
2. The increased heart rate cheats us.

May be changing the exercise speed to a better suiting rate or changing the time-of-day for exercise might help. I am not anxious in the mornings and it feels better to exercise empty stomach.


22-01-07, 12:27
yes this does happen to me.Five years ago iwas very fit keeping fit 2 hours a day.Then panic and anxiety got hold of me.I know keeping fit for me helps with panic and anxiety but i try to jog but then i get panic so igo round in circles

a mccarthuy

22-01-07, 19:32
Hey Im the same- I use the gym twice a week and get panickty when I get hot and breathless - I also hyperventilate a lot and try to deep breathe but panic the more I focus on my breathing!!! Love wenjoy x

23-01-07, 06:40
I did some meditation after exercise today morning and it helps calm down.


23-01-07, 09:28
i totally relate!

i joined a gym a monh ago, after reading its good for anx ppl and ibs, which i also have...4-5 years ago i was exercising 1 hour 3 times a week without any trouble..but this time around, things have been differnt..
its been really hard for me, i get anxious on the way to the gym, then can only manage to walk for 25 mins on the walker holding onto the rails too..thats on a good day too!!, some days i get dizzy and have to stop...i also get palps sometimes...it is a cruel circle isnt it...i desperatly want my life back to normal...and be able to exercise like normal ppl do...

26-01-07, 08:18
I am just wondering if it is because of the way of exercise. It doesnt happen to me. I feel 100 times better after exercise. I am just wondering if its because I run at speeds that are tough enough but not too tough, easy enough but not too easy.


26-01-07, 16:12
Hi, yes I know what its like - in fact its seems to be a major problem for me as I belong to a local tennis club which is usually my main source of exercise and a large part of my social life. Now I can't play tennis and can't even face going to the club and seeingn people.

Its mainly due to feeling breathless and trying to overbreath which makes me feel worse - also the pressure of playing with 3 other people I always feel I might let them down by finishing the game early cos I can't cope. Its so frustrating as I love the game and know its good for me but just can't face it. I tried to have a hit this week with my husband but only lasted a few minutes cos I was worried I'd start panicking a nd overbreathing - I know you're supposed to see it through but the last time I was on court it was awful.

Now I'm trying to do a few stretching exercises at home and trying to get the breathing more regular - and not breath through my mouth as I know thats the key.

Hope it starts to get better for you soon
Rufus xx

26-01-07, 17:36
Yes this happens to me as well.

I was clearing out a cabinet at work on Monday and moving stationery from one cabinet to another about 20 steps away, I wasn't out of breath or anything but I guess I was exerting myself more than usual. Had to stop doing it as I started getting anxious and felt like there wasn't any air (silly really).

26-01-07, 19:11
I think as anxious folk we are so very aware of any change in the rate our hearts beat at, or the pace at which we breathe that we pounce on it straightaway and wonder is it alright!!

Best way to deal with this one is to try regularly to get yourself slightly out of breath by doing a little exercise and then it will become 'ordinary' and no longer scary!!

I bought myself a little trampette/rebounder and when I first got it I would barely even stand on it [:I]. Nowadays I jog on it to music for 15 mins 5 days a week and now I don't even bother taking my pulse or staring at myself for signs of impending doom, plus my jeans fit better :D:D:D

If you haven't exercised for a long time start very gently - even a small walk round the block (if you can) adds up!!:)

Piglet :)

"Supposing a tree fell down, Pooh, when we were underneath it?" said Piglet.
"Supposing it didn't," said Pooh after careful thought.

26-01-07, 19:54
Good tip about getting a bit out of breath regularly so it becomes familar - also i'm trying to think about the fact that exercise actually regulates your breathing rather than the opposite!

cheers for the advice, Rufus x

27-01-07, 15:02
hi guys not sure if this will help you

but i was advised by a doctor to be careful when excercising and not to over do it as it produced extra adreline, which is one of the main factors to anxiety and panic attacks

they suggested more cardiovasculor exercises, ie:_ walking swimming, and toi build your self up to a comfortable pace. e says lift weights and doing a full on work out is not such a good idea untill your ax levels drop.

hope this elps and sorry about my bad spelling

hope this helps.

" for God did not give me a spirit of timidity, but a spirit of power, a spirit of love self discipline, sound mind and body, peace strength and good health"

29-01-07, 06:12
I was also wondering whether our normal(at rest) heart rate is low or high dictates whether exercise feels good or not. I have a low rest heart rate (varies from 48-55 or max 58). In the morning after 1 hr from exercise, it goes to 60, then keeps reduecing and much later it goes to 48.....


29-01-07, 14:33
Stick with it and opt for the aerobic stuff. You may still get edgy and panic (I did) but over time it will get better. :D

This is a link to a similar topic which details my experience.

Exercise and panic attacks (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=4768)

Trev :D