View Full Version : Fatigue !! HELP

20-04-15, 23:14
Good evening all !!

i have in the last 6 months been to hell and back with health anxiety, gad, ptsd etc
i have been on sertarline, mirtazapine, diazepam, codiene and even propanadol !!
Even tho my anxiety mainly under control and i even go out i have really bad FATIGUE.
I get over whelming tired feeling most days few hours after i get up and it only dies down if i sit on my ass and do nothing :/ its very overwhelming and doing my heading .......... my doctors say am healthy even tho gained 3 stone nearly, had loads of blood test 4 infact! urine and stool samples .... even been to opititions just make sure my eyes wasnt just bad strained ...

can anyone relate to feeling tired most the time as it killing me and ive made so much progress but this doesnt seem to wana shift!!

thanks for reading your replys will be most appreciated

20-04-15, 23:33
Hi! I've had really bad health anxiety about blood clots since January. I've been put on Diazepam several times but taking it this time has given me really bad fatigue. The past couple of days I've done nothing much apart from sleep. I feel like I can't do anything because I'm so tired, so I completely understand how horrible it is. Are you eating fine and stuff? Also, maybe get your vitamin levels checked at the doctors, that can cause really bad fatigue if they're low. I found out today that my B12 is low which causes extreme fatigue. Maybe you could have anaemia too? Just some ideas. Well done on your progress though! Lets hope we all get better one day! :)

21-04-15, 00:05
thank you for the speedy response i should mention am off all tablets now ...... ive had my bloods test for anaemia its so annoying as it out character for me .. i yawn all the time and i seem be more awake now at night then i do in the day or evening !! hope u get ur levels back up ...... and i eat like a horse btw

21-04-15, 05:10
Fatigue has been a problem of mine for a while.

I am learning to get more sleep to combat this at the moment as I've been in a sleep deficit for about 10 months. It does seem to be helping as the aches & pains are easing and my sciatica (which started inside this period and just won't fo) is getting better as is my flexibility.

Do you get much real exercise? It could be that you are not sleeping deep enough and exercise will resolve a lot of this as proven in studies of people who exercise and sleep better. It helps regulate your hormones.

21-04-15, 10:32
morning terry !
ive been sleeping around 6 to 10 hours every night roughly which is good for me, i sleep thoughtout and dont wake up, ive been trying to get excerise but yesturday i hurt my ankle badly so am out of that game, ive slept 8 hours last night and felt like ive slept 2 hours

21-04-15, 10:53
Morning Boydo.

Something I have been thinking about lately is how much strain anxiety puts us under. Something I have noticed before is how quickly our fitness level drops. For example, I have been walking miles everyday for years and at a good pace. I decided to break my obsession with my walking routine at Xmas 2013 and spent 3 months in the house to sort it out. This worked but when I started to go walking again as I was knackered for weeks!

So, I think it must really take it out of us. Its known to burn through nutrients faster so it makes sense.

I've also been thinking about the stress it puts on the liver. Its left me wondering if we should do more to look after it because its working harder getting rid of toxins. It copes fine with it, there are no worries there, but fatigue does have connection to the liver working harder and this can be corrected with diet or supplements. So, I'm wondering whether this might help me a bit so I thought its worth a mention incase a change in diet towards something to boost the liver could help you?

The added weight could be a factor too you know. If you are now overweight, it does makes things harder and you tend to have less energy. Whenever you read about people that have lost weight they always say how they feel they have more energy. This will be also because of the exercise they are getting but maybe its worth considering if weight is a factor?

I know I've put about 1.5 stone on and I feel worse so I'm thinking this will likely be an issue for me.

21-04-15, 21:41
very true - anxiety was my obsession but NOW i've looked into how and why it has such a physical and physiological effect am no longer scared when i do start feeling strange and kinda take on the chin and just ride it and accept it ! but i hate feeling tired your completely right i've never taken so many tablet based meds in my life till now!
now the liver you have actually hit something on the chin ..... my fatigue was worst day after drinking which made my liver work even harder ( first drink in months!! ) but my body have so many toxins still coming out from the anti d's, diazepam etc !! i was huge walker just like you now i struggle do across town even tho some days i do more ! my supplement is multi vit - cod liver oil, ive cut down on what i eat and seem to be gaining weight still i was 13.8 stone at the start of this but i was mainly muscle at 5ft 10 doc said over weight on bmi but i did alot of gym - am now 16.9 stone - drink loads of water am going to cut wheat flour gluten and yeast from my diet throughout summer! hopefully this might be kinda on my body might loose weight therefore ill have more engery - more toxin out etc !

cheers terry just motivated me to try harder now!!

22-04-15, 04:04
Perhaps aim for more calories from protein as well? Adding muscle is a good way to burn calories since each extra pound adds to your daily maintenance requirements.

BMI is as relevant as RDA's! If you are into weights and have a high % of muscle, you can easily show up as overweight on the BMI test - been there myself years ago. That test is purely for Mr & Mrs Sedentiary. Athletes, bodybuilders, etc can easily fail BMI so its worthless a lot of the time.

There was a case in the national papers last year of an NHS nurse telling a woman she was overweight and gave her a plan to reduce her intake of calories. She was a competing bodybuilder! Thats how silly the NHS can be sometimes.

I hate feeling tired too. It feeds my anxiety & depression as motivation is hard when you are knackered all the time.

I was looking at something like milk thistle to see if it helped. Its much cheaper online though. It seems pretty safe with minimal interactions and helps with liver function.