View Full Version : Ectopic pregnancy Worried

21-04-15, 01:37
Hello All,
I have health anxiety and have been doing really well coping with it. However, now I worry that when there is something actually wrong I will not be able to tell. I started taking the mini pill 3 months ago and I am about to start my 4th pack. My period was a week late and has been very light. I have some cramping and what feels like gas pains in my lower right abdomen. I also have a fear of appendicitis and not catching it in time. I don't think I have a fever, my body temp is 98.5, which is normal. I just every once in awhile have some pain on my right side. However I should state that if I press on the area I hear air moving and feel it.. So is this all in my head? Are these two things that I am concerned about like severe pain, not just a slight pain? I am just so worried. Please someone help me get out of my own head.