View Full Version : Not sleeping again:(

21-04-15, 10:14
Oh I'm so fed up. I haven't slept for 2 nights. Well I did have around 2 hours last night but that's it. Was doing so well last week, one night I slept 7 hours! It's like now my brain has just forgotten how to sleep! The trazodone (50mg) seems to have stopped working.

Can someone reassure me that this will get better? I know I've posted about my insomnia before but need a bit of help again!

21-04-15, 12:27
Hi Crystal,

Its a rocky road correcting insomnia so initially things like this can happen but remember how well you sleep last week, the body catches up in time. So, there is every chance that tonight you will sleep better and be tired enough for the next few days to need your sleep.

Hang in there.

21-04-15, 13:52
I posted a question a few days ago and never received a response. Well I posted bc I was desperate, I had NONSTOP anxiety all day for a whole week... for NO reason. On Saturday I slept 4hrs, on Sunday I slept 2 1/2, yesterday I went to the emergency room bc I was filled with anxiety and my heart was racing and my blood pressure was high. They checked my heart, normal. They checked my blood perfect. They gave me iv fluids and sent me on my way. So I left the hospital and later I went to buy a good multivitamin (Alive women's multi)
I got home, I took the vitamins and sprayed some magnesium oil on myself (15sprays). And my anxiety left my body! !!###! I was actually able to sleep! !!!! I did wake up at 1am and at 5am but at 5am I sprayed 5 more sprays and fell back asleep! !!!

My point? That you should try a good multi and buy some magnesium oil. Then, reduce the stress in your life, exercise, and limit your sugar intake for a while until you get back on track. Unfortunately, pills don't fix the root cause of anxiety and depression. I'm not saying that everyone will be fixed with these suggestions but I'm sure it would help most people. Stress takes a toll on our bodies. It robs our bodies of nutrients that we need. Without the proper nutrients our bodies prioritize what's most important to keep us alive and puts to the side our ability to cope with stressors.

I was desperate. I felt like I was either going crazy or that I was going to die. I couldn't handle noise. I was crying. My hand was shaking. I seriously thought i can't live like this. If this is what my life is going to be for the next years, i don't want to continue living. Am I 100% over my feeling of anxiety today? No. But I'm 50% better. And I plan on doing the things I advised you to do and I know that I'll get better.

I hope you get to feeling better soon. (:

21-04-15, 17:51
Thank you both for replying. Terry as always you're words are reassuring, I think sometimes we get ourselves so wound up we can't see the wood for the trees.

Anochick2 I'm sorry you didn't get a reply when you were feeling so desperate. But so glad you found things that worked for you to ease your situation! I haven't heard of magnesium oil, where do you spray it? I've got a calcium and magnesium supplement which I think I'll take tonight. I hate taking meds and you're so right that they just mask the problem.

I do take a liquid iron and multivitamin every morning but not sure how effective it is. I've also just got a nutribullet and am having a shake every day to ensure I get my 5 a day.

I guess is sleep thing has just become an obsession, and I really don't want it to be like this!!!

Thanks again for replying. :)

21-04-15, 18:32
Crystal - I hear your pain. Doc has told me to try without a sleeping pill tonight, after 5 days 'on', so am going to. Fingers crossed - I have actually had an anxiety free few hours, this PM and it's a win. I've also bought some lavendar drops to put on my pillow at bedtime, for a bit of aromatherapy. :)

I wish you a good sleep tonight!

21-04-15, 18:38
You too Logan. One night without sleep I can cope with but 2 is horrendous, and of course I don't know that I'll sleep tonight either! But fingers crossed for us both! :)

Glad you had a good afternoon, maybe the pills are kicking in and side effects wearing off!

21-04-15, 18:44
I don't take anything to sleep except two cups of ginger mint tea. When I remember I take a gram of calcium. I have absolutely no trouble going to sleep and staying there. So why me? Not like I don't have concerns. It is spring and I'm busier than I want to be. So i'm not sure if it is that or to get by I just don't give a damn. What I get done is what I get done. It all seems to get done in time. Maybe some other people who have no trouble sleeping can answer.

21-04-15, 19:43
I'm having this right now. Haven't had it in 2 years.
The past two nights I haven't slept. My heads fuzzy and I can't stop racing thoughts. I'm absolutely panicking thinking this is gonna last forever (it didn't last time) but obviously it's harder than we think to programme our thoughts. X

21-04-15, 20:03
Davit lucky you its horrible! Shivmarie sorry you're having this too! Mine started out of the blue almost 9 weeks ago. It's awful, prior to that had never had anything like it! Doctor put me on zopiclone and trazodone. I came off the Zopiclone as I hated it, even though it helped me sleep. The trazodone seems to work some nights and not others. How did you get over it last time? Good luck for tonight x

21-04-15, 23:38
I'm having this right now. Haven't had it in 2 years.
The past two nights I haven't slept. My heads fuzzy and I can't stop racing thoughts. I'm absolutely panicking thinking this is gonna last forever (it didn't last time) but obviously it's harder than we think to programme our thoughts. X
I could have written every word of this! So sorry you're going through this again. Fingers crossed we all have a better night tonight.

22-04-15, 04:28
Magnesium is a healthy thing to try, Crystal. Its not meds because magnesium is in the food we eat and we need it for 300+ processes in the body.

There are different forms so I suggest checking out the threads on the Natural Remedies board as there were some discussions about this a couple of months ago and the forms are mostly in there with some links.

Some forms of magnesium can cause the runs in higher volumes. This is because some of them are for constipation. Citrate is one I believe. One form, oxide, will turn into milk of magnesia when it hits the water in your stomach. Another form is oxide turned into a different form to create the milk of magnesia we can buy.

The oil form, known as transdermal, is supposed to be better absorbed because its goes via the skin instead of relying on digestion. Also this means it won't cause a laxitive effect. If you try this one, it can sting if applied to an area of magnesium deficiency so apply it to your feet instead which seems to work ok. Don't apply over broken skin though!

Another form that doesn't rely on digestion is Angstrom magnesium. Angstom is just a unit of measurement for something very very tiny so it can enter our cells more easily. These are often called ionic magnesium. They can start to be absorbed in your mouth as you take them.

There are also amino acid bound ones or chelated as they are known. These are explained in more detail in a couple of the threads I mentioned.

I understand taking magnesium before bedtime can help with sleep. Its worth a try!

How are things going with the Nutribullet? Its noisy, isn't it?!

Is the liquid iron the Spatone one? They seem very popular and easy to take without all the constipation the tablets can give.

Sleep issues are always an obsession because we equate a good nights sleep with a chance of a better day just like anyone without anxiety disorders. I think its a bit of a stage we go through so try to also reduce your anxiety in general as many things disappear or reduce along with it.

An0chick2 - you-ve got some replies on your thread now.

22-04-15, 09:23
Hi terry, well I had a great sleep last night, guess my natural defences kicked in and my brain couldn't take any more!

Thanks for the info re magnesium, very informative! Am going to the health food shop this morning to check out the oil, would rather take natural remedies than chemicals any time!

I'm enjoying the nutribullet, yes it's noisy but just knowing I'm getting my 5 a day (and more!) is making me happy!

The iron supplement is Floradix. I had a big op last year and haven't been able to eat a lot since, so I've lost a lot of weight and my energy levels have been low. I do think it helps as if I don't take it I feel worse.

Hope all well with you terry? :)

22-04-15, 09:35
You don't take it later in the day do you?

I think kale is good for iron, isn't it? I know its good for a lot of nutrients and is all the rage and for once, its cheap! Much cheaper in Aldi though. Broccoli is good for iron I believe.

There are other options to the oil. You can buy flakes and put them in the bath. In fact, you can make these flakes if you are that committed! I found the spray is a bit expensive in the shops and it tends to be the Better You brand. When I looked online I found cheaper alteratives.

I know Tesco sell one of the Better You sprays and the bath flakes because late last year they added a section for thins like this, probiotics, spirulina, etc. Its with the women's bath stuffs but you know what Tesco are like, usually expensive! The same Better You magnesium spray was £5 cheaper on Amazon.

I'm ok thanks. Plodding along messing about with my sleep hygiene at the moment. Slipping a little bit but I've got a better handle on the obsession now so I'm starting to get somewhere.

I'm really glad you had a great night. This seems like a pattern at the moment. I think your body is trying to rebalance itself after all the meds so hopefully you will start to see a bit more sleep each time after these crashes.

22-04-15, 11:51
So glad to hear you had a better night! Hopefully the confidence of having a good night will carry forward and you have better nights to come. :)

I have the Breville Blend Active and make a fruit and spinach smoothie most days. Such a great way to get a blast of nutrients.

22-04-15, 11:59
Any tips on recipes xvolatileheart? I finf fruit easy but incorporating the greens is where I come a bit unstuck. I find kale pretty mild so easier to incorporate but spinach was a bit peppery in the one I tried and it took over the taste too much.

I try to stick to a strict budget so go for fruit, greens, etc but not all the added flavouring you see in the recipes as I don't really want to be forking out right now on expensive vanilla stuff if you get my drift?

22-04-15, 12:21
I'm also tight fisted, so I keep my smoothies as cheap as possible. I keep a stock of frozen berries and mango, bananas, spinach and yoghurt. Then I use any combination of those things! Today was 2 handfuls of spinach, half cup of strawberry yoghurt, 1 banana, a scoop of frozen blueberries and a few chunks of frozen mango. Add a bit of water so it can blend and voila! I don't taste the spinach at all - I think baby spinach is sweeter and has a less strong veggie taste compared to mature spinach. Kale is also a perfectly good alternative!

22-04-15, 12:25
Sounds good!

I haven't tried adding yoghurt yet but I eat yoghurt daily so I'll have to start doing this. I am planning on making my own yoghurt very soon so I could throw some unflavoured in to thicken it up. Yay, more probiotics!

I found a couple of handfuls of kale, handful of strawberries and a plum or two was nice.

I was thinking about giving cacao a try given all the antibiotics in it and I wouldn't think it would need much as its quite strong.

Crystal - are there any soothing night drinks you could make in your Nutribullet?

22-04-15, 14:31
Thanks both, Terry I take the iron in the morning , sometimes one in the afternoon too if I remember!

I blend spinach (baby spinach - very mild taste) or kale with Apple, pear, mango, banana and pineapple. I also add mixed seeds and sometimes use full fat milk (I need the fat) or sometimes water. I haven't used it for anything other than my morning shakes, but I've only had it a couple of weeks.

Just been to the health food store and got some Epsom salts and L-Theanine & Lemon Balm. This was recommended by a friend so we'll see how it goes! Would love to come off the trazodone soon!

Have a good afternoon all x

23-04-15, 04:27
There is a thread on the Natural Remedies board about Epsom salts I think, I seem to recall people saying they found it useful. On PinguAnxiou's thread on the depression board, she has recently started using it and says it helps to relax her.

You can get L-Theanine in tea thesedays.

Bananas are a good source of tryptophan and I found sites saying to eat them at night to help with sleep so I've been doing that for years.

23-04-15, 20:38
Just had a bath with Epsom salts, wow you can literally feel the muscles relaxing and it all washing never you. Yes have also heard that about bananas although I can't say they've helped when I've tried them at night. Hey ho, another night looms ahead, wish me luck! :)

24-04-15, 06:51
This is worth a look, Crystal:



Mindfulness has a lot of support including NICE in treating re occurent depression but the US form, MBSR, has more studies covering anxiety and symptom control in such as asthma, cancer, etc.

P.S. I'm not saying you are old! :blush::D

24-04-15, 11:32
Thanks Terry will download a mindfulness meditation for tonight I think as had another couple of bad sleeps :(

lol re the old comment, no I'm not in my dotage yet..! ��

24-04-15, 11:44
Have a scan at Tish's "Mindfulness Apps" thread on the Top Tips board as there are free resources in there and adviceon which apps you can download.

It takes time to learn it but it doubles up as a relaxation exercise anyway so you can very that from if at first. It might help you to turn off your racing thoughts if that's am issue as it teaches you to control your thoughts better.

24-04-15, 11:58
Just had a look and downloaded Headspace. I don't really have racing thoughts anymore I don't know whats stopping me from sleeping! Maybe just got out of the habit!

24-04-15, 12:27
Are you getting any exercise during the day, Crystal? I find I sleep soooo much better after a good cardio workout. I go to the gym most days, but if I can't make it, there are some great youtube workouts to do at home. My new routine I made last week is workout, dinner, shower, cup of peppermint tea, write in my journal, meditation or relaxation, then calming soundscape (ocean waves or rain are my favourites!) If I wake in the night, I distract myself with a little game on my phone or read a few pages of my book (racing thoughts and feeling anxious are a big problem for me in the night), put the soundscape back on and go back to sleep.

Do you work?

24-04-15, 14:14
Hi there, I make sure I have a long walk every day but can't do a lot of cardio exercise since my op last year. I don't work as such but I'm a mum so have school run etc..after school clubs to take to and renovating the house etc so I'm kept fairly busy. I also journal and listen to a meditation every night. I'm not lying in bed anxious I just can't seem to actually fall asleep and when I do I often wake in the night. I don't do anything then as my husband is beside me so can't really switch the light on. Saying that the other night I asked him to sleep in the guest room (he snores!) and I slept all night! But I know he's not the problem. I think I've just got into the habit of not sleeping. Trying everything I can think of really but it's very hit and miss!

25-04-15, 05:00
How about some Qi Gong or Tai Chi? There are routines for energy or relaxation. Its gentle, includes Mindfulness within these styles and can help in general.

25-04-15, 09:40
Will have a look Terry. Now had 3 nights of very little sleep - how long can the body go on like this???

25-04-15, 09:49
The body can take it, I think its more the mind that suffers! The body will literally force itself to sleep when it needs to.

You can sleep when it goes that far, its just you can't seem to find that medium where you consistently sleep enough. It will come, its not long since you've come off the Zopiclone so it might be still trying to right itself so just keep trying the relaxation stuff and see what happens.

It sounds easy but I remember sleep problems and they affected me badly so I never take it lightly. I was pretty lucky compared to some people.

25-04-15, 10:18
I've had 4 nights without any sleeping pills, and whilst am not sleeping brilliantly - I am getting some. Bit of a crap one last night, but that was more to do with having a late meal out (10pm) with my best friend, who was visiting the motherland for the weekend. Fried chicken and chips didn't sit well that time of night! :D

Crystal - I hope you get some sleep soon. :)

25-04-15, 11:37
Thanks guys, I've only had about 3 hours each of the past 3 nights. Finding it hard to function properly, I'm sick of this interfering with my life! Yesterday I was driving and felt weird and I knew I shouldn't be so its affecting everything now.
Glad you're getting some sleep Logan, (other than last night!) mine is just very hit and miss for now!!!

25-04-15, 11:49
Am sure it will settle down soon, Crystal. :) if you've been on Zopiclone for a wee while, it might be a reaction to coming off it.

25-04-15, 11:53
Hope so Logan! :) hope you have a better night tonight too!

25-04-15, 12:04
I remember when I came off Zopiclone after a solid month on it, my sleep patterns were dodgy. Initially I was lucky to get an hour a night on the first few nights I went without Zopiclone (I alternated on/off for 7 days).

After a few times, it did get up to about 6 hours and on the "on" days (where I took Zop) I would catch up a bit.

I think my sleep remained disrupted for 3-4 months in the end but that wasn't all about this because Citalopram had been the culprit so that was messing me about for a while and my anxiety had got worse so all this messed by sleep cycle up anyway.

After the first week or so I was getting 5-6 hours so it was better. It wasn't enough for me, but enough for my body to get by back then.

Just keep going and doing the right things. Try to track it as well, nothing big, you don't want it to be an obsession in the making as that will make things worse, but I might be an idea to note the day and the hours. Then in a few weeks there may be a pattern.