View Full Version : Finding it hard to cope again

21-04-15, 15:55

Had PA/GAD for 15 years ( all my life but didn't know )
I suffer with very seriously tight muscles mainly my back & legs.

Been doing fine until last 6 months. We had to put our dog down last month :weep:

I looked after her while my partner worked so was home all day with her.

I understand grief and the emotional side of it in theory I've started to have anxiety attacks when out on my own walking. Dizzy vision blurred sweats very tight muscles again.

Been on cit 20mg for over 5 years now. As I had a break down due a work related issue. Which I got over. So I know I can get over this. But finding it very hard at the moment. Had a great day yesterday. Last night woke up with fireworks going through my veins muscles all tight. Went for a walk this am anxiety attack, then on the phone my voice went adrenaline like ice all through my legs arms head.

Basically I feel I'm back where I was 5/6 years ago alone frightened with crippling anxiety so any pointers on grief and anxiety would be great.