View Full Version : Things aren't getting better.

21-04-15, 21:06
I feel like I'm starting to take a step back in my stupid anxiety.

Tonight I can feel my breathing is different, I'm edgy and my thoughts are all over the place. Who am I? What am I feeling? What should I be feeling? Why am I thinking this? Am I really feeling more anxious again? What if I become a person I don't want to be? I don't even know who I am or what I want to be as it is.

I'm taking 2x 40mg of propanolol and 10mg of cit at the moment, I've been on the cit for 2 weeks and propanolol for around 3 and I have a review with the doctor tomorrow morning. I just feel like I'm not going to get anywhere.

I'm so scared that I don't know how to love, feel, manage my life or just live and let myself enjoy my own company.

I wish this anxiety wasn't a part of my life and I was a normal person :(

21-04-15, 23:41
I'm going through the same thing right now with the same thoughts. You are not alone!

Sounds like you're on the right track though for getting yourself better. I'm on day 13 of 10mg cit, hoping to go up soon as it's not doing anything yet (except maybe making my anxiety worse, or maybe I'm just frustrated that it's not working). Do you think you'll go up to 20mg?

We're on a similar journey, so if you need someone to chat to, I'm here!