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View Full Version : worried- my gum at the back feels swollen? :/

21-04-15, 22:47

I feel slightly worried right now I've never had problems with my teeth but on my bottom set of teeth at the back, where there's space for other teeth basically, on the right hand side its swelled up a little and I'm really unsure why. Its not a big swelling it just feels noticeable. Like my top tooth above it digs into it a little now. For weeks I've had ear pain but got told it was wax over my ear drum and they won't syringe it until I can't hear, basically. But when I press the bit it's swelled, the pain travels from gum, through my jaw then my ear then hurts my head. Im unsure if to go back to the doctors? Or can anyone give advice?

It will be greatly appreciated. :)

Gary A
22-04-15, 02:00
Have your wisdom teeth erupted? If not, it could be that, it may be erupting at an angle.

22-04-15, 02:04
[QUOTE=Gary A;1416262]Have your wisdom teeth erupted? If not, it could be that, it may be erupting at an angle.[/QUOT

No, my wisdom teeth haven't ever come though. But there is time yet. And like you said it may be that. Going ring up the doctors in the morning and ask for advice I think :) but it could well be that! I'm just frightened its an absess now.. Don't want one of them..seem nasty :(

Gary A
22-04-15, 02:15
An abscess would generally come from an infected tooth and would be pretty painful. It really does just sound like a wisdom tooth. Wouldn't a call to your dentist be more suitable?

22-04-15, 02:22
Oh yes. This is your wisdom teeth. I had the same issues before mine were pulled.

22-04-15, 08:31
@Gary yeah, the receptionist at the doctors said I should ring the dentist because it sounds more like a dental problem and they'll know more about it :)

@sarah I'm starting to think it is now! Its god awful this ear pain and cheek pain is :(

22-04-15, 08:36
Yeah, its one for the dentist really.

It does sound like a wisdom tooth coming through. I can remember mine coming through in my twenties and they were like teething must feel in a way. More a sort of nagging pain.

Jaw pain travels up to your eye and even into your head around your temple. I had all of that when I was grinding my teeth in my sleep. You get referred pain with things like this so it could be travelling there given its near the jaw.

Could you even be clenching or grinding?

22-04-15, 14:30
Yeah, its one for the dentist really.

It does sound like a wisdom tooth coming through. I can remember mine coming through in my twenties and they were like teething must feel in a way. More a sort of nagging pain.

Jaw pain travels up to your eye and even into your head around your temple. I had all of that when I was grinding my teeth in my sleep. You get referred pain with things like this so it could be travelling there given its near the jaw.

Could you even be clenching or grinding?

One of my bad habbits- Grinding my teeth. I only ever do it when i'm really really anxious (which is basically all of the time now, unfortunately.) Whenever my friends and family see me do it they tell me to stop. I don't even realising i'm doing it. But, it's only ever my font teeth I grind.. I know it's bad but i'm finding it difficult to stop it. Considering, I don't realise i'm doing it.

And, I rang up the dentist, and, they think it's my wisdom tooth :( So they want to check it out, so I'm going on Friday thankfully!