View Full Version : Is bottled water bad for teeth?

22-04-15, 00:17
This might seem a bit trivial but can somebody answer this question for me?
I drink bottled water instead of drinks with sugar in them because I always thought that it was good for my teeth. But I've just read an article which says that drinking too much bottled water can be bad for your teeth. Does anyone know if drinking too much bottled water really is bad for your teeth?

22-04-15, 00:27
It depend whether your bottled water is distilled or just filtered. Distilled had no minerals, filtered has very little. Just take a multi mineral. Not talking Brita filter here, but reverse osmosis which removes even bacteria. If you are concerned about chlorine in your water, leaving it in an open jar overnight and it will evaporate out. As for drinks with sugar, they use filtered water for them so they are doubly bad. If you can find spring water that is UV sterilized that is your best bet. It isn't filtered.