View Full Version : possible DVT

22-04-15, 09:00
hi, I have a few medical issues lately, I always have had some form of health anxiety but usually lived along with it.

6 weeks ago I was feeling quite poorly turns out I had severe calcium defficiancy I had an overnight stay in hospital and treatment..and am waiting to see a consultant. This caused me to feel very anxious that I must not ignore my symptoms again as sometimes things are wrong its not always anxiety.. and have been symptom watching and having panic attacks since. Many calls to 111 couple of A&E trips. my calcium is stable for now.

I have had a pain in my right calf for a week no swelling etc. it only hurts when I walk, I also have slight chest pain when I cough or move this feels muscular.

I do my usual google...comes up with DVT! call 111, they tell me to A&E , thing is I am not reassured they do ECG, chest xray and blood test....blood test comes back borderline. That with a few other risks on HRT, been sitting down a bit too much, fast heart rate ( normal for me with visiting hospital)the Dr has given me self injecting blood thinners and I will need a leg and chest scan in a few days.

I am so scared trying to be rational and think dr is just being safe she said the injections wont hurt me if I don't have a DVT...but I am just sitting here waiting to die, trying to tell myself I am being treated if it is a DVT.

Can anyone reassure me please x