View Full Version : HA about citalopram ruining my brain

22-04-15, 12:36
So since I've been prescribed citalopram and come down with all of these horrific side-effects, I've been getting fears that it is going to permanently ruin my brain.. I feel like a zombie, confused, weird, and just messed up. I fear it's doing irreversible damage to my brain or in years and years time they'll find out that basically citalopram is a bad thing and it'll be all over the news and I'll be like "oh god I knew this was true!"

Aghh I'm so scared -_-

23-04-15, 01:57
The first time's first few weeks of me using citalopram were the worst of my life! I had very similar thoughts to you, but thankfully they faded as i had been taking them a few weeks. Just think how vigorously drugs are tested. They've been around for about 20 years, and there's literally not been one report of something brain-horrific (i've done all the searching when i was thinking the same thing) I always think like, with citalopram, it just increasing the amount of serotonin to the level of a a normal healthy person, which isn't a big change!
I know that sounds silly but you're bound to feel worse for a while!
I hope this has helped a teeny tiny tiny tiny bit, i'm usually not good at this kind of stuff!
Eleanor :yahoo: x

23-04-15, 05:17
Just to add to what Elee said, its not actually creating new serotonin either, its only preventing excess waste of current serotonin in your body.

I think we probably all worry about this at some point, its just that to the HA sufferer, that worry sparks of the cycle and isn't rationalised as easy as other disorder sufferers would.

You know you are experiencing side effects. To the HA sufferer these must also cause you to worry about these extra sensations and what they can mean. These will pass though and you need to also remember that these meds often cause mood disturbances and additional anxiety at first so what you are currently thinking may be skewed to the negative because of this and you will feel differently about it as the side effects window ends.

23-04-15, 17:51
im considering starting this , 10mg per day ....for health anxiety ...but my anxiety is stopping me .....will it help long term ...