View Full Version : General Anxiety especially after a Panick attack

22-04-15, 15:25
Hi guys,

So I just wanted to tell my story and find out that if some of you have similar experiences.

I am a 29 year old mail, working as an IT specialist abroad at a huge oil company. I have a masters degree in Business Management and IT, I already was an office manager in my last years of still being a student. I always had a huge stress managing my student years/work and also friends. I never had real time for my self, but did not have any anxiety issues or panic attacks until my mother died. I was 22 when it happened and changed my life completely. Afterwards I never been the same, forward 1 year in the future, I was 23 and it was christmas when I felt a sense of choking and that I could not breath, I eventually landed in the ER, did a CT, blood work etc. everything was fine so the doctor told me it was a panic attack. Afterwards I was really spaced out for a few month anxiety came and went randomly, also had a few other panic attacks. It effected my life, I left the company that I worked with I moved to another country and started another job in IT where I do not have a lot of stress (or at least I think so) and thing were good for a while. Now I am 29 havent had a panic attack for at least 2 years until 3 weeks ago when I landed in the ER again. This time it seems I really had an issue with my lungs (Pneumomediastinum), but this only elevated my stress and anxiety. I was in the hospital for 1 week, my last test were good without any issues, but the anxiety is still here. The current symptoms I have is : feeling extreme tired, fatigue, I think I have blurry vision, cold hands, sometimes fast breathing, burning sensations which come and go, fainting feeling and of course with this comes panik. So my question is , do you have also this symptoms is this normal for anxiety and panic attacks ? I am not on meds and the psychologist in the hospital sad he does not see the point of medication at first. I do not know what steps should I take after this, in the last weeks I could not concentrate on my work, I feel completely spaced out and afraid. I did another blood test this week and tomorrow I will find out the results, also I have an appointment next week with my pulmonary specialists and a cardiologist. I still feel that they are missing something, that maybe I have a real issue and this can not be only anxiety because I feel like I am slowly dying ...