View Full Version : sleeping troubles & buzzing in head + pins & needles

22-04-15, 18:04
Over the last couple of weeks when just about to fall to sleep I get this buzzing sensation in my head and like an electricity jolt throughout my body and then tingling in both hands and feet.
I am very anxious at the minute and even more anxious when trying to fall asleep.
It takes me about 3 hours to get just a few hours of sleep as jusy keep tossing and turning and waiting really for these buzzes to come.
I am currently on 30 mg mirtizapine & 45mg busperine.
Has anybody else had anything like this.
It only happens at night time just before I am going to sleep and very frightening really.
If anybody else has suffered this please reassure me that it is just anxiety and hopefullt it will pass but it happens every night and sometimes numerous times per night for a long time now

22-04-15, 18:42
Hi Shaun

I'm no expert but there was a lady (jane2011?) on mirtazapine I think who had a similar experience. I think the recommended dose for insomnia is 15mg as 30 makes the adrenaline kick in?

As I say I'm no expert and sure someone will correct me if I'm wrong but this doesn't sound unusual from what I've read on here.

Feel for you and hope tonight is better!

22-04-15, 19:11
Hi and thanks for the repy,
I have been on mirtizapine before on 30 mg for 18 mths and didn't get any sleeping troubles and nothing like this before going to sleep.
It is not brain zaps as I think it is a rush of adrenaline that goes to my head and hands and feet but its very disturbing.
Maybe its the busperine but they started before this.
maybe its just because my anxiety level is that high at the moment.
Just unsure