View Full Version : ALS Anxiety - Long read, input appreciated -

22-04-15, 19:00
Although I've been told by many not to refer to Dr. Google (including my Family Doctor), I found myself wandering a few months back and it's made my anxiety much worse.

My family has a history of anxiety/depression however it had never affected me until this point. I'm a 25 Y/O male and I feel that I'm a very healthy, non-smoker and workout 4-5 days a week for the past few years.

It started for me worrying about a friend who had recently been diagnosed with Cancer. After starting to worry about myself, I noticed a small amount of blood in my stools and a sore throat, I also felt dizzy and had occasional headaches about 2-3 months ago. I also had a few panic attacks just worrying about different things. After researching, I read about ALS and "muscle twitches" and looked down at my calf muscles and noticed the twitching.

Current symptoms:
- Muscle Twitching (75% calves, 15% thighs, 10% shoulder/back/rear-end etc) They are all visible and sometimes it feels like vibrations in my legs. I still workout and for the pas 2-3 months I find myself doing leg strength tests, no loss of strength. The twitches do bounce from muscle to muscle at certain times of the day. Sometimes constant in legs.
- Dizziness while walking at times, never while sitting.
- Leg stiffness/pain (I assume this is from me putting stress on my legs trying to stop the twitching, walking differently etc for a few months)
- Falling asleep on my hand and waking up with it asleep. Having sleep issues rolling back and forth, sleeping awkwardly causing joint cracking and muscle pain.
- Full body jerks when trying to fall asleep and waking up with sweat on neck/back and rapid heart-rate
- Soreness in hands/wrists (I also assume this is from strength tests which I seem to focus on doing)

As I've been constantly worrying about these symptoms since January (3+ months), I assume I have put a strain on my nervous system.

Are these common signs of anxiety? Is anxiety something that can be worse /w/ genetics? Has anyone else experienced similar issues?

Any input would be greatly appreciated. Any tips would be appreciated.



---------- Post added at 14:00 ---------- Previous post was at 13:58 ----------

Also - Pins and needles in feet and ankles. Cold feet and ankles even while wearing socks.

Gary A
22-04-15, 19:19
This is a combination of anxiety and hyper-awareness. You're getting some physical sensations because of your anxiety, like the dizziness and "body jerks", but you're also hyper-aware of yourself at the minute, which is making you see and feel all these other things like muscle twitches and pins and needles. If you work out 4-5 days a week it's not at all surprising that your muscles twitch and tense, your anxiety is making you notice it more and catostraphise it.

22-04-15, 19:29
I agree with Gary, i had constant muscle twitches all over my body for a very long time. I just could not and would not believe it wasn't something serious. It drove me crazy.
I could see them to, they caused no pain and i could usually stop the twitching once i started using that muscle. It literally was all day all night.
I had many appointments where my GP tested my muscle strength and reactions ect all fine. I still didn't feel at ease.

I saw a neurologist in the end and when he told me that all was fine, i just looked at him in utter disbelief :roflmao:

Happy to say i don't have them anymore, well i get the odd little one every now and then. My anxiety is far better and my diet so i put it all down to this.

24-04-15, 15:32
Thanks very much for the input, I'm glad to know that other people have had similar symptoms to myself.

Anxiety sure can cause havoc on people's mind and physical being.

24-04-15, 17:22
Don't forget that muscle twitches on their own mean nothing, I've been having fine twitches in my left hand for like two weeks, they worry me but I don't have any weakness so I try to be calm.

24-04-15, 19:29
Muscle twitches with ALS don't happen until the disease is advanced. You would have a lot of other very obvious and serious symptoms first. However muscle twitches are super common with anxiety. I used to get these all the time. I still do from time to time but they usually go quite quickly now as I know they are nothing to worry about.