View Full Version : Help again :(

22-04-15, 19:54
I've been having lower stomach pain and pains around my bum (sorry tmi!!) for a fee weeks now. I had a sigmoidoscopy about 10 months ago where they took a sample which came back clear. Despite this, I'm worried now with these new symptoms. Could piles cause this kind of pain, even when I haven't been to the loo? The doc said I had internal ones. I just wish I could get this worry out of my head and that the pains would just stop :( my doc won't entertain the idea of another camera test or anything. Any help or ideas what I can do? Thanks :)

Oh also I'm female, 25!

22-04-15, 22:22
It sounds like IBS to me but I expect someone has already told you that???

22-04-15, 22:27

I have IBS and often experience pains or discomfort in my lower left abdomen depending on what i eat, IBS symptoms vary from person to person, has your GP mentioned the possibility of having IBS or is this a relatively new symptom?
Hemorrhoids will cause pain usually when passing stool, especially if you are constipated or the opposite.

Your GP will be able to tell you if you have internal ones, and you'd probably know yourself if they were external. If it is this then not to worry, it can be managed and there is relief.