View Full Version : Anxiety cause sore eyes?

22-04-15, 20:47
I posted yesterday about head worries but my eyes have been sore since Monday on and off, I've had what feels like tension headache, on and off, not severe but still niggling, now tonight my eyes are burning, not sensitive to light or changes in vision just burning, I can't remember having this when I was last highly anxious, anyone the same?

22-04-15, 22:26
I have been having burning eyes for a very long time. Sometimes it feels almost like a dry sensation. I've been to the eye doctors and they have never thought of it as a concern so I've grown used to it. I'm sure it is nothing serious. :)

22-04-15, 23:04
Are you taking medication? Sertraline made my eyes very dry, I had to used eye drops.

23-04-15, 12:40
Just as you have muscles in your legs, arms neck etc etc you also have muscles in your eyes. Anxiety causes people to tense their muscles and this causes many of the sensations that people with HA feel when they are anxious. Tensing your eye muscles can result in soreness and blurred vision. It is something that I am very familiar with and I assure you that it happens.

23-04-15, 19:46
Thanks for your posts all.
Not been sore today but had my on/off headache again, first day back at work after a month off, resisting to google but fearing the worst x

24-04-15, 01:21
It sounds like eye strain to me. Anxiety can affect the eyes quite profoundly; I saw my optometrist recently and she said stress "wreaks havoc" on them!

When was the last time you had an eye check recently? When I went I also found out I'm slightly short-sighted in one eye. Easily remedied with reading glasses to relax the eyes, apparently. If anything' actually wrong (so to speak) I imagine it would just be something like that. You could also try using eye drops and making sure to blink frequently when you're using the computer/phone etc.

Best wishes :)

24-04-15, 10:13
I am due my eye test I do wear glasses but haven't since December when I broke them, it's only just recently they've been playing up. I'm obviously panicking because I've had this headache on/off all week. Grrr x