View Full Version : Googling symptoms has me a nervous wreck!

23-04-15, 01:05
Hi all,

First of all sorry about the nature of this post it's about the little general downstairs if you catch my drift.

Basically over the past few days I have found itchy blisters down there, coupled with swollen lymph nodes on my groin and now the base has slightly swollen.

A quick trip to google has me worried it may be cancer or possibly herpes but me and my partner have been together for two years and were clean for STI's (although we never gave blood for the tests).


23-04-15, 01:09
Have you used a new wash, detergent, or powder?

23-04-15, 01:10
Maybe, used a shower gel I haven't used before

23-04-15, 01:13
It's an allergic reaction. Rinse only with water, and you can put a bit of cortisone on the blisters to take down inflammation.

23-04-15, 01:15
But the blisters have been there for days and the swelling has just happened today. Already used Lanacane cream.

23-04-15, 01:18
It's being irritated by your clothing. That area is moist, and therefore takes longer to heal than other parts of your body. Maybe just leave it be, and wear cotton panties, and even try not wearing any for a bit. it needs to dry itself. You can go to the doctor, and they'll prescribe something if you are having itching, etc. It's not cancer. Cancer presents itself totally differently than that.

23-04-15, 01:26
Yeah i've been not wearing anything for a couple of days but I have work tomorrow as well haha might aggravate it again.

Thank you for putting my mind at ease about the cancer, I think it may be herpes.

23-04-15, 02:48
That is easily treatable. You will be fine!

23-04-15, 05:05
Lymph nodes swell due to localised infection. So, maybe it is some form of skin infection which will be easily treated by your GP? This would explain why they could swell afterwards which is what they do with things like colds or throat infections, the swell as part of the immune response to protect them.

Sarah mentioned a change of underwear, and I can see you are a bloke, so boxers would help for now if you have any?

I think people on here with HA, which I don't have, will tell you that Google will pull back everything connected which can range from simple issues to serious ones. For me as a non HA person, I easily think "it can't be cancer, its bound to be something more like..." and I look at the more obvious answers but for someone with HA their Cognitive Distortions make them focus on the other end of the spectrum.

This is why Google isn't bad, even how they structure the searches isn't necessarily bad, its the tunnel vision of the person looking that needs resolving.

23-04-15, 14:02
Haha, sorry I said"panties" lol..