View Full Version : Krill oil for Parkinson.s

23-04-15, 19:26
I have started taking Krill oil to slow down parkinson's. It is supposed to help and is I am told better than fish oil, because it goes to the brain faster and helps grease the wheels:bighug1:. Have been taking 2000mg per day. I have heard a lot of good things about it

Is anyone taking krill oil, and if you are, what for?

23-04-15, 21:48
Let me know how you get on. My dad was diagnosed with Parkinsons last year. I have both mum and dad on fish oil ,2000mg of EPA per day, me too.

I read krill oil has the most easily absorbable/bioavailable form but you have to take way more than fish oil to get the same levels of EPA.

Mum said within weeks she could think clearer. Dad hasn't given any feedback really.

So yeh, let me know how you get on. Hope it works for you.

24-04-15, 05:16
Let me know how you get on. My dad was diagnosed with Parkinsons last year. I have both mum and dad on fish oil ,2000mg of EPA per day, me too.

I read krill oil has the most easily absorbable/bioavailable form but you have to take way more than fish oil to get the same levels of EPA.

Mum said within weeks she could think clearer. Dad hasn't given any feedback really.

So yeh, let me know how you get on. Hope it works for you.

Sorry to hear about your dad, Oosh.

24-04-15, 05:38
My dad has Parkinson's but unfortunately my mum controls everything he does and she won't spend a penny on alternative medicine, he is on 17 different tablets a day my mum believes medications are the answer for everything .

I also read that many times the neck and shoulders are to blame for many symptoms of Parkinsons and can be corrected by a chiropodists .

24-04-15, 06:04
My dad has Parkinson's but unfortunately my mum controls everything he does and she won't spend a penny on alternative medicine, he is on 17 different tablets a day my mum believes medications are the answer for everything .

I also read that many times the neck and shoulders are to blame for many symptoms of Parkinsons and can be corrected by a chiropodists .

Sorry to hear about your dad, feelthelove.

I know what you mean about your mum. To an extent my parents are the same and think doctors are always the way. I think it must be a generation thing because their parents would have thought the opposite and gone for natural remedies!

24-04-15, 18:28
The one thing about Parkinson's, I think there will be a cure within 10 years. There is a tremendous amount of research going on, I think more than any other disease. Already, they are testing a vaccine. Also it is a high profile disease with some of the celebrities that have it. M J Fox is my hero. I think he has done more to bring this disease into the spotlight than any other person.

24-04-15, 21:08