View Full Version : Nosebleed worry

23-04-15, 19:37
Hi guys a month ago I woke up I'm the middle of the night to my nose dripping as I was half asleep I thought it was just a runny nose then to my horror realised I was having a nose bleed, after 15 minutes or so it had stopped so in the morning I went to see the doc who put it down to allergies as we have lots of sand storms here lately , he also said that my right nostril had polyps in it and an infection , he said that I could of caused the bleed from rummaging around in my nose! Anyway a month has gone past and today the same nostril has started to bleed but stopped after a few minutes, I remember sneezing yesterday do you think I ruptured a vessel again? This is really worrying me? I'm scared this will happen all the time now, will antibiotics help?
What else can I do to stop this ? I'm so worried and my anxiety has shot up big time tonight , thanks in advance :(

25-04-15, 19:02
Hello there

My mum has suffered a lot with nose bleeds a lot of the time the reason why it bleeds at night is because your nasal passage dries out, sleep with the window open if you can and try and keep your nose as moist as possible you can use Vaseline to do this, if it is an infection the doctor should be able to prescribe you an antibiotic cream called naseptin (I've definitely not spelt that right) when it does bleed try not to tamper too much with it as the scab that forms over the vessel may come away and cause another slight bleed which is really annoying hopefully this helps try not to worry too much :hugs:

26-04-15, 04:38
Thankyou for you reply !! And yes I've started to use the vaseline in my nostrils
I may need to go get the antis from the docs too, but since my post a few people have have suffered with bleeds here and we are putting it down to the extreme dust that's been wafting over from the Sahara desert :( not fun!
Really appreciate you getting back to me thanks again !!