View Full Version : colds and anxiety

22-01-07, 12:44
Hi,Im feeling a bit sorry for myself today.:(I have a bad cold and chest,and basically feel awful,like I have flue.Iv found my anxiety has been bad and my moods are terrible since being ill.Does anyone else get like this.When you get these symptoms, its hard to decide whats causing them, is the cold or is it the anxiety!!!!!!:(Then I get frustrated.
Because of the anxiety I keep wanting to wee and its making my anxiety worse.:(
Im feeling pretty low,I lost my beloved dog 7 years ago on wednesday and it has all come flooding back to me.I cant understand after all this time it gets to me,my dad said I wont let myself forget.Thats not the case,Im ok until Im low or depressed and then it all comes back to me.
It was a very distressing day for him and me.
I have another dog who I love dearly,its just when I seem to be low,my old dog always comes up in my head.Is this part of being anxious?
I dont know,Im having a right old moan today arnt I.
Maybe tomorrow will be a better day.
Thanks for listening.

Ellen XX

22-01-07, 12:58
Hello i am feeling like you are i have a cold and flu for a week now and my anxiety is very high today.


22-01-07, 12:58
Hi Ellen,

Think we have the same bug[Sigh...] So you are not alone with your symptoms. I am feeling pretty low as well so I guess health and anxiety are linked.

Hugs to you over your dog, dogs are such a large part of our lives that it is only natural that you would miss them when gone.

When we are low and depressed, the painful thoughts and memories always seem to come. moan as much as you want hunni, it all helps to get it of your chest. I have been known to ramble on for a full page lol

I hope you get through today ok and yes tomorrow is a bright new day

Hugs to you


22-01-07, 13:03
Hi Ellen,

I know excatly what you mean, i have had cold for 2 weeks now, and its made my anxiety alot worse, I had to cancel my therapy last week because i felt so wiered, it was hard to tell if it was anxiety or just dizziness brought on by a virus. I cant wait till spring arrives, i always seem to suffer at my worst in January. What keeps me going is trying to focus on the good things i achieved last year:D then i dont feel so bad.

I hope you have a better day tomorrow also Ellen, and sending you a HUG too!



"If you have a worry turn it into a problem, you cant solve worrys but you can solve problems"

22-01-07, 15:37
Thank you.I think January is a depressing month for alot of us.

Ellen XX