View Full Version : Pain in left part of chest/lung that radiates to left shoulder blade

24-04-15, 02:23
I've just learned that this is one of the major and first signs of lung cancer. Is there anything else with the same type of symptoms that this could be? I'm already worried about my endoscopy in two weeks; I really don't want to have to worry about something like this too.

24-04-15, 07:19
Possibly some form of trauma or pain that has referred pain too. Or maybe muscular tension.

Its something to ask about but I would say there are other possibilities. I get things like this but more right sided and its all anxiety & muscular tension with me. My left sided seems to stay more with the diaphram but the right side is usually worse.

24-04-15, 09:18
Can you try to stretch the area (pecs and shoulders) out? If they're tight, it could be caused by muscle tension.

It could also be costochondritis- are the rib joints on that side sore where they join the sternum? I've just been diagnosed with it by my GP and it's been giving me chest pain which radiates to my back.

I think lung cancer is less likely than these (and other) causes, many of which could be musculoskeletal.

Best wishes :)

24-04-15, 22:07
About the rib joints, the day before I was feeling some strange pain on the actual sternum at the very bottom of it. It's just weird because I can't really tell if it's back pain radiating to chest or vice versa. I'm not sure where exactly the pain is originating.

25-04-15, 05:17
Muscular tension is really common with anxiety disorders. My CBT therapist have me a technique called Progressive Muscle Relaxation (PMR) which has been around since the 1920's so for it to still be used, it must be useful.

That might help to relieve some of the tension. It also asks you to think about the exercise so you start to recognise where the tension is. This might help you work out where it is originating from.

Its easy and only takes a few minutes to do. It doesn't take long to learn it without the help sheets.

26-04-15, 03:48
Thanks for the response. I'll definitely look into it. I made an appointment on Monday just to let my doctor take a listen to my lungs and maybe send me to get a test or x-ray or whatever. I'm already worried about my endoscopy in a week; I really don't want to worry about anything else right now >.<'

26-04-15, 08:11
Are the ribs sore around where they meet the sternum?

26-04-15, 20:41
It's tough to tell. If I push a bit on my sternum, it does feel like there is a bit of pressure, possibly where it connects to the ribs. I wouldn't call it pain though. I've also been having issues for weeks now where I constantly feel the need to take a deep breath, I never get a satisfying breath, etc.

28-04-15, 01:02
I just wanted to give an update for those that may find similar pain in the future. I went to the doctor today and my lungs/heart sounded fine. After checking a few spots by pressing down, he deemed it to be Costochondritis which is the inflammation of the cartilage surrounding the ribs and what not.

28-04-15, 06:45
Its good to hear you have got to the bottom of it.

Hopefully treatment can resolve it quickly for you from here.

28-04-15, 23:25
Well, I thought I was doing better after hearing the issue, but today has proven that wrong. I'm now having issues with my back and, in particular, my spine which has me extremely worried. Knowing my ribs hurt is one thing, but upper back/spine pain has me freaking out again. I'm not entirely sure if this is still related to the inflammation with my ribs, but the fact that it's my spine immediately worries me.

29-04-15, 04:39
That could be muscular tension in your back. It doesn't have to be related to your spine to cause this so I would keep that in mind and monitor it for w few days as it might go.

You may have changed posture due to your other pain which can cause this.