View Full Version : I feel so unwell and don't know what to do

24-04-15, 15:54
I have suddenly gone really downhill and am the worst I have been for a long time. I have a weird pressure feeling in my head and it just feels so odd, it is horrible. It doesn't seem to be going away and has been there the past 3 days or so. I feel physically so ill. I have been to the doctors yesterday and they suspect tension headaches, I don't know if I agree with that but that's as far as we got for now. I managed to get them to refer me the a nuero, but im sure that will take a while yet.

Right now it just feels unbearable like I cannot continue. Theres nowhere for me to turn to get any relief. I wouldn't want to go to hospital as it will most likely be put down to anxiety anyway plus going to hospital will just make me feel even worse as I get super anxious everytime I go to one, its a hospital phobia I guess.

I had some acupuncture last weekend for my headaches and my hayfever, I am really hoping the acupuncture hasn't caused my head to go like this. My hayfever seems to have calmed down, I don't know if that's because of the acupuncture or just the weather/pollen levels calming down but apart from that my head is 10 times worse and im struggling to cope. I cant exactly ring the acupuncture place either because the lady who did it barely spoke english anyway.

I just want to feel a bit better and am starting to feel really hopeless and panicky because I don't see any positive outlook at all.

---------- Post added at 15:54 ---------- Previous post was at 14:25 ----------

I am so drained and weak right now like im getting worse

24-04-15, 16:35
I do not have hay fever Gota,but I suffer with headaches . The other day I was under a lot of pressure. I had a really bad head. I have a blood pressure monitor and decided to use it and my blood pressure was high. After that I took some pain killers, and had a lie down. I was wondering if your blood pressure is high, or have you ever had it
done by GP ?x

24-04-15, 16:53
Hi Magic, thanks for your response.

Its not the hayfever that's the issue, that's a minor after thought compared to how my head is feeling. Yes I have had my BP checked lots of times and I have my own monitor which I used to use. My BP is actually always low rather then high so its not down to that.

24-04-15, 17:03
Can I ask what you're doing with your time?

Sitting about ruminating can cause, and maintain, a lot of these types of symptoms.

24-04-15, 19:13

Today I have been back to the docs to pick up a referral form. Walked the dog. But apart from that not a lot, just watching tv and on the internet trying to keep myself detracted. So you could say ruminating a bit yea. The thing is these symptoms can start at any point, it will often start when im busy doing something then If I just go and chill for a bit after a sleep I usually feel a bit better but its not happening this time, im just getting worse.

I know doing nothing would probably sound like it might make it worse but that's what usually helps for me, when I can just chill in bed with no pressures and watch tv for a bit then fall asleep it usually helps. I have done various different things, like been to the gym, walked the dog, played poker online, done some stretches, yoga, exercise ect but nothing is affecting it. Im just struggling through each moment hoping I start to feel normal again at some point.

---------- Post added at 19:13 ---------- Previous post was at 17:15 ----------

Now feel like im sinking into derealisation.

25-04-15, 08:25
2 hours sleep and woken up with head feeling no better. My whole body starts tremoring/shaking for half an hour or so. Its happenened before, i think its just my body trying release some of my pent up underlying stress. Really not well now.
Im just wishing for some releif from this but nothing is changing.

29-04-15, 13:25
This is still continuing, I feel I don't have much left. I have had this head pressure non stop for a week now. Been to the doctors twice to explain how ill I feel, they have referred me to the neuro and for blood test which I had done today.

I went to A&E this morning after yet another night with pretty much no sleep and non stop head pressure, sweats and body tremors. A&E didn't seem fussed, said there's not anything they can do as they don't think its a tumour or meningitis or anything else that can be treated right now etc etc. Thats fair enough but its not helping how Im feeling, there is honestly no let up. I managed to get so pain killers but have tried them and it hasn't done anything. I wouldn't really say its a severe pain anyway its just a really horrible sensation and I feel so ill like im on the verge of death.

Anyone have any advice?

29-04-15, 14:03
I have had similar things this last two weeks. I suffer from Hayfever but keep taking the medication to keep it at bay.

I feel like there is a pressure at the top of my head, hard to concerntrate and like you are in a fog or something? Feels weird! Also been a bit dazed? Does that sound similar?

I have had a bad stomach virus, had bloods done etc which all came back fine! The doctor seemed to think it was just a nasty virus that is going around :huh:

29-04-15, 14:08
Sort of similar Chris but my Hayfever has completely gone and I have this head pressure instead. Yes it is sort of being dazed and in a fog, I feel detached from everything, its like a numb empty pressure inside my skull and it doesn't let up.

I do feel like I could have a virus as I feel more ill than I ever have in my life I think. I dont have any fever, high temp or vomiting or anything though, just feel super ill.

29-04-15, 14:21
It sounds identical to how I feel right now! I was going through the worst of it a few days back. It does get better, I still have it now but as I write this I am at work and I can function. Literally so so many bugs around at the moment, I think I had a couple at a time with this and the stomach virus which I am only just starting to get over! Have not eaten properly for two weeks and lost 16 pounds!

Are you feeling panicky with this as well? I am currently just mega tired all the time, but again this has got better, it just seems to hang on for a while :weep:

29-04-15, 14:30
Thanks Chris, how long did you have it for then and did you have the head symptoms with it most of the time?

Yes I am panicky with it, non stop severe anxiety, I just cant stop thinking about how horrible my head feels and how ill I feel. Its the worst my anx has been since it started a few years ago.

I am tired yea but I cannot sleep, the head feelings are so odd I just cant switch off from them.

29-04-15, 14:31
Ive had the same feeling as you now for four weeks on and off. The dr thinks its because of my HA and nothing to worry about...although how can i stop worrying when i feel strange like this in my head. Its almost like i feel off balance but im not, im walking straight. It feels like pressure in my head...i do think its stressed related but how will that go when im now stressed about that?! Vicious circle :shrug:

29-04-15, 14:44
Hi Chan,

Yep it is extremely hard to break the cycle and not pay attention to the symptoms when they are in your head. I do think stress makes it worse for sure. Dont know if that's the main reason for my symptoms though.

29-04-15, 14:47
I still have it at the moment. I have had it for a couple of weeks now, but it is easing off. You have to rest and relax which I know is easier said than done! As you will know the more you think about it the more it is there, you have to do things to take your mind off it. I am 99% sure it's a virus as so many others around me are ill, not with the same thing but it seems to effect people differently. It does suck but you will get through it!

It's the same with my panic attacks, they have just raised their ugly head after ten years of not really having anything! But I am learning to focus them out of my life again and remind myself that it's just the nervous system playing tricks on you. A little adrenaline that needs to be metabolised!

Again I know this is all easier said than done but you have to be positive, I was so low the other day I didn’t know what to do or who to speak to until I found this website and I am glad I did! Reminds me others are going through the same thing and we are not alone!

29-04-15, 14:49
What do you think the main reason is for yours? Ive started to wonder if its to do with hayfever so i took a tablet today, i really want the heavy, foggy feeling to go so i can get on with things again! I was told 4 weeks ago by the dr that its a virus. But its lasted too long?

29-04-15, 14:50
I had something very similar to what you describe when I had really blocked sinus problem. The pressure was horrible and not in the nose where you would imagine it would be. X

29-04-15, 14:58
Thanks, i wondered about sinus problems with hayfever as my ear has been blocked for weeks too! But the dr said no infection etc. How long did your sinus problem take to go?

29-04-15, 15:41
I had it quite a while more than a month. I'm not sure it was infected as no antibiotics given just steroid spray that made it worse. I found steaming over menthol crystals or essential oils ( peppermint, eucalyptus etc ) most helpful and a lovely spray called Sinuforce but the thing that sorted it once and for all so it has never returned was a herbal tincture called Plantago. Buy it in a health shops. 15 drops in water 3 or 4 times a day. Did the trick for me and despite my bad anxiety now the pressure has not returned. Also worth checking if you have a neck problem as that can cause problems with all the head muscles causing similar symptoms. X

29-04-15, 18:01
Hi. I've not had my jabs and jolts as I call them in my head for 7 days today. I'd been having them only on my left side for about 2 months. I have no other side effects other than they make me feel anxious. They start around dinner time, last 2-5seconds and come and go throughout the day. They're not painful enough to take paracetamol but they are bothersome. The more I think about them the more I become anxious. Now I've not had them for a few days you'd think I'd be fine. Oh no now I'm anxious when I wake up because I spend the rest of the day wondering if they will come back! I'm a nurse and the amount of people I've seen today with anxiety is ridiculous it's so common. I never thought I'd be in this position 😖

29-04-15, 19:28
Sounds like a few people are feeling very unwell then. I don't know if what I have is a virus but if it is I hope it clears up soon. Managed to have a little nap but have woken up feeling just as ill and my head pressure just persists constantly.

30-04-15, 10:00
Anyone have major body shakes with this as well?

30-04-15, 10:51
Hi i also have this...and again its more like the shaking is inside me rather than noticable. Although my hands have been shaking a lot too. I also noticed a pulse is the corner of my eye when i looked a certain way this morning which started my day of great as you can imagine. Im constantly walking around feelinb this heavy foggy feeling in my head and i just cannot switch off from it. I understand what your going through x

30-04-15, 11:08
My shaking isnt inside me chan its ovbious vilent shaking outside body. Hope you feel better soon :).

30-04-15, 11:12
Ok mine was obvious about two weeks ago...in fact the person i was with thought i was putting it on! I really hope you get better soon x

---------- Post added at 11:12 ---------- Previous post was at 11:11 ----------

Oh and i keep being woken by my body jolting like my knee will suddenly jerk? Have you had this?

01-05-15, 17:48
My jabs and jolts on my left side have started again today �� but I'm trying not to panic as I've just spend 5 hours at the hairdressers so I'm trying to be rational and put it down to that. Hopefully tomorrow they will go. They are in my left temple and behind the ear. I'm of on holiday Monday and dreading it in case they return on a daily basis. Can migraines be like this as I always thought they were really painful but mine aren't it's more like a dull throb on and off throughout the day.

01-05-15, 18:07
You realize it is spring and we are all low on vitamin D. Get some sun.