View Full Version : Withdrawl

24-04-15, 23:27
After almost 4 years on Effexor which I will say saved my life when I was in a very low place Iv decided to stop the medication it's now been 7 days since I took my last 37.5 mg tab, after tapering down from 75mg, the brain zaps have been pretty horrendous to be honest especially when standing up after sitting for a while, today was the worst when I was at work when they came in waves and wouldn't stop was really scary and was considering trying to get a docs line until they go away coz it really is hard to function and do my job, I will say I feel more alive again have a personilty back and some of the symptoms I had while on the Effexor seen to be subsiding, I was just wondering if anybody else out their has successfully withdrawn from this meds and how long it took their zaps to go away? Any replies much appreciated x

26-04-15, 20:48
Hi firstly well done on withdrawing from venlafaxine. You should be proud of your accomplishment as it's well known to be a hard anti depressant to come off.

I'm pleased it worked for you and you feel well enough to go it alone.

Did you go from 75 to 37.5 and then zero?

If so, you have done extremely well and also continuing to work whilst going through withdrawal.

I think you should be over the worst now, first week of taking nothing is always the hardest. The brain zaps may continue for some time but don't worry it's just your brain chemistry re balancing itself. They are not dangerous just a sign of your brain healing.

I hope you continue to feel better each day, take plenty of rest, drink lots of water, eat healthy foods. I have come off ven 3 times over the past 15 years and find the last drop 37.5 to zero the hardest and I broke the tablets into quarters so well done you for just stopping from 37.5.

You will prob find yourself more emotional ie tearful one min, angry the next for the next week or so. This is also perfectly normal.

Good luck and let us all know how you get on.

---------- Post added at 20:48 ---------- Previous post was at 17:43 ----------

Thanks Nic,
I think it is the diazepam decrease what is causing these most recent side effects (least I hope that's all it is). I thought withdrawl would be like ven withdrawl. Feel awful, and then each day/week start feeling bit better. This is different every day. Last two days been in bed with really bad head, night time sweats, muscle aches, as well as the sound sensitivity and depersonalisation.

A lot of the side effects are new to me, so think it's the reduction. I guess 5 years is a long time of putting a drug into your body everyday and then halfing it has been a bit of a shock to my cns. I just hope it's the rebound effect and then I'll stabilise once again.

It's so difficult knowing what to do for the best isn't it? I keep thinking should I increase the ven, try the Pregabalin, or just ride it out. I think it's about 3 weeks since I reduced and I did expect a few side effects I knew it wouldn't be plane sailing I just didn't think I'd feel this way. I'll see how things go the next few days and keep you updated.

The only good thing is s loss of appetite:-) that side effect is the only plus. Anyway how are you doing at the moment? Thank you for responding and caring xx
Are you completely off the diazepam now ?

26-04-15, 21:25
Hi, I came off Ven around 18months ago, tapered down to 37.5, and then stopped.
Tbh it was horrendous, after 2 weeks things got no better, my doctor wanted me to start them up again but I said no. It took me 4weeks in the end to get though it.
Sorry it's not the news you want to hear, but it's not pleasant.
Cheers Gav.

26-04-15, 22:11
Oops sorry - 2nd part of my message was supposed to be posted to the diazepam page :-( can you tell my heads in the shed at the mo

26-04-15, 22:56
Oops sorry - 2nd part of my message was supposed to be posted to the diazepam page :-( can you tell my heads in the shed at the mo

Lol oh dear! :doh:

27-04-15, 07:21
Hi Michelle thanks for taking time to reply, I was on the 75 for 3 years then the 37.5 for the last year, the sidefdects on the Effexor just got too much for me I had really bad nausea, no sex drive and chest pains so ten days ago I just decided enough was enough and chucked them all in the bin, your 100 percent right about getting emotional my emotions have bn all over the place this last week the slightest thing on the tele will get the tears flowing don't think I cried at all when on the Effexor so it seems I'm doing all my grieving now for things that happened over the last 4 years,

Just gonna try hang on in here and hope these zaps pass soon gotta try be tough for a change and get my life back to normal not being on this medication, will post again in couple of weeks with an update and hopefully I am still ven free.x

27-04-15, 10:22
Hi kev,

Don't worry about the emotional side right now it's perfectly normal and means your coming through the withdrawl. About now, your emotions are going to be all over the place. It will settle down but it takes time. Just be kind to yourself right now and have people around you who will love and support you through this last stage.

When I was on my highest dose of ven 150 mgs time release I was emotionally numb, I had no anxiety or depression but didn't feel much of anything. Even when my dad passed away I couldn't really grieve and cry. However once I came off it, then everything hit me like a ton of bricks and I cried buckets every day, I got angry at the silliest things and even sometimes felt a bit manic, it's just your brain re setting itself. I hope you continue to improve day by day. Michelle

27-04-15, 20:20
Keep going Kev! My daughter is now over 2 months venlafaxine-free. It has been a very challenging period of time for both of us but there's no going back now. It's far from easy but you won't regret your decision.

29-04-15, 17:03
Thank you! That's now 13 days free head zaps getting less severe now although I am getting quite bad head aches, crying at the slightest thing and feeling anxious doing things that wouldn't normally bother me but overall I think iv made the right choice coz I'm back to being me again x