View Full Version : Freaked myself out :-(

24-04-15, 23:48
So I posted on here last week sometime aabout my fear of brain aneurysm. Well I went to the drs and she said if I had an aneurysm I would have much more serious symptoms but i can't help thinking there is ssomething wrong in my head and that one day I will suddenly have a bleed on the brain! Also I stupidly just googled about aneurysms and lots of people said on a website that their aneurysms happened slowly and that one symptom was their neck aching. For the last week my neck has been aching on and off on both sides as it leads up from my shoulders. I'm even more worried now xx

24-04-15, 23:49
Trust your doctor :)

24-04-15, 23:55
Thank you. I know I should but lots of people on that website said their Dr said they were fine too and also I didn't tell her about my neck aching because I didn't have it then xx

24-04-15, 23:59
It could just be a random thing. My neck aches now, but I don't have an aneurysm. I think it could be anxiety causing the aching, your muscles are tensing up because you're really worried.

25-04-15, 00:04
I guess it could be. But for Years I've had a feeling one day I would have an aneurysm. I've always been prone to headaches and years ago I read in a magazine about a person having one and its just stuck in my head. Too hard to believe its all anxiety when I have symptoms xx

25-04-15, 00:14
I understand how you feel as I felt the same way once thinking I had a brain tumour. I had a constant headache for weeks and it wouldn't go away, I just drove myself into insanity. Then I saw my doctor and he said it was all down to anxiety. When I stopped worrying, the headache went for good.

Anxiety is a funny thing ;)

25-04-15, 05:53
God, I don't have HA but I do have a pinched nerve in my neck so if I die from an aneurysm it is your fault. Much easier to accept I have a pinched nerve.

25-04-15, 12:46
Brain aneurysms are something I've always struggled with. They're so sudden and you don't know until it's already happened. I've cried myself to sleep many times thinking I had one.

If you had symptoms then this would mean the aneurysm is big and pressing on nerves etc and it would have already ruptured by now. Most of the symptoms of unruptured aneurysm are neurological rather than painful, like distorted vision, paralysis one side of the face etc. even if you had them symptoms an aneurysm is still highly unlikely. It's rare to have headaches as a symptom unless ruptured as the brain itself has no pain receptors.

i battled this fear for ages. I have done a LOT of research. The only way you can ever beat this fear is to acknowledge that there are some things you can't control, there's never any certainties in life but it's so highly unlikely that you don't need to worry about it. It's a cliche but it's so true, life is way too short to get bogged down with fears that are unlikely to ever materialise.

I wish you lots of luck. X