View Full Version : Hot spots in twitching?! Really worried, my twitching is becoming localized

25-04-15, 10:50
Hi guys,
I am so so worried about my twitching. It has gotten progressively more localized. Firstly, I think it is more localized on my right side, I also believe that I am weak in my right hand, as it always feels sprained/stiff. Yesterday my thumb was literally moving on its own... now my upper arm won't stop twitching. The twitches are hard and actually hurt me.

I am so worried, please help.

Has anyone else had hot spots of twitches?

25-04-15, 12:23
Well my left hand has been twitching for 2 weeks now, i have fine twitches, sometimes barely notice them. What kind of a weakness are you talking about? You can't button your shirt? Unlock doors or drop things for no reason?

25-04-15, 15:18
uhmm not that I have noticed, I can still technically do things, but I find it less easy with my right hand because of the stiffness and pain. It is like constantly feeling as if you need to crack your fingers but after I have done this it has just caused more pain.

My arm twitches are scary and almost constant, I am honestly so sick of these symptoms. I can't help but state "why does this shit always happen to me?" I look at pictures of my young and healthy friends and it just makes me upset and sick that I have to be concerned about having ALS at this age. I just want to be normal so bad but it seems that I am a long way from there.

25-04-15, 18:32
Aww, I know the feeling, I was the same. If you can still do things without failing it means no ALS.

I don't think you should do that but watching videos of ALS patients helped me understand the symptoms much better, even at the earlier stages of the disease, they can't do thing. Can't walk, can't use their fingers.

25-04-15, 19:20
Hi Joan,
I think that my anxiety skews everything they say in those videos to make me believe that I have ALS. As I have noticed weird pain in my hands and a weakness of some type- I always think that this is the early phase. Also I now have a fear of using my right hand in fear that I will drop something - oh that health anxiety is so fun! I now think I have atrophy as my right hand has more wrinkly bits on two fingers... ugh. :weep:

Feeling terrified to go to the neurologist next week!

25-04-15, 23:53
Pain is not a symptom of ALS. Also there is no earlier stages without clinicsl weakness. The earliest stage is the death of a muscle group. There is no "feeling weak first, no twitching first". The first ever symptom is serious enough to think there is something terribly wrong.

16-09-15, 19:21
Hey Lilly,

It's been a while since you posted so hopefully everything has calmed down for you. Just want you to know that I've experienced everything you're going through for years and once you take the fear out of it, the symptoms get a LOT better.

I know it's impossible to tell someone in this situation to just relax, but I found that knowing others (many of us) have had the same symptoms and gone through this without having any major illness tells us that anxiety WILL do a lot of bad things to you and send your mind to places it doesn't need to go.

Like I say, I've had this stuff on and off for 20 years but when push comes to shove I'm still going strong. Hang in there, get some help from people here and enjoy each day. Just remember, nothing bad is going to happen to you today so enjoy it!